The Church of Mystra Organization in Arteria | World Anvil

The Church of Mystra

Mystra the goddess of magic and knowledge is one of the most important gods of all since she keeps the weave of magic, that allows mortals and gods to cast controlled magic, in balance. As such she is adored by arcane scholars such as wizards and seen as the being that every spellcaster wants to please and impress. She also is a keeper of knowledge and therefore appeals to many non-arcane scholars as well. Knowledge is power and therefore like magic should never get into the wrong hands so while Mystra often gives access to knowledge and magic she can just as easily withdraw access for beings that are too dangerous to the balance of the world. (Sidenote: she is neither good or bad so she would never withdraw magic from somebody just he is being seen as evil. She cares only that nobody does something that could alter reality in a catastrophic way no matter if that being is good or evil.)

Public Agenda

For most followers of Mystra the biggest achievement in live is to amass great amounts of knowledge and magic and then using that knowledge to extend the knowledge of the world by something new.
Religious, Organised Religion