Thanakos (Thah-Nah-Kuss)
When the three brothers dethroned their parents, and the older pantheon, two gods were too dark and sinister, their force even frightening the new rulers. These two old primordials thus resist the test of time and are still worshipped in Lampa culture.
One of those gods is Thanakos. He is a primordial being that represents death, night and the inevitable. He is described has a shadow dressed in black robes and a scythe, ready to reap and colect the souls of those ready to depart the mortal realms. He is worshipped by Ghadis followers but also by those few who adore death. His alignment is Neutral Evil and his Favored Weapon is a Scythe.
Those that worship Thanakos are either acknowledge by Ghadis priests and responsible for bringing in the recently departed to the Lampa necropolis or are people that worship him secretly. Normally they are cold, simple, fatalists, often mingling with Ghadis devouts. His holy symbol in a scythe around a skull.