Mon, Jan 1st 2024 05:28   Edited on Sun, Jan 14th 2024 11:40

New Year Challenge 2024

Start the New Year off right with an achievable goal you can do this month! Your challenge is to create a goal, a reward for achieving that goal, share it, and then go achieve it! Check out the official Challenge page below for more details including tips about how to create a good goal.   Share your goal and reward here as a reply to this thread. Not a member of Articles Anonymous? Come join us! This event is open to everyone!  
January 2023 Chapter Challenge
Tradition / Ritual | Jan 2, 2024
Mon, Jan 1st 2024 07:21

This seems like a fun challenge, I'm in! My goal this January will be to create 3 of my remaining 9 sub-themes for Etharai's CSS. My stretch goal will be 5 of them. When I finish this goal, I will make some articles using my shiny new themes :P and probably buy myself a snack
Tue, Jan 2nd 2024 08:30

Yess I love it! Here is my goal for January! For this month, I have two primary goals, actually. The first one would be finishing the New Years Resolution article within the first half of the month! I should be able to manage that with relative ease, but a goal is a goal. :D The second goal would be finishing one article for Computer Adventures. ^^ I won't say which one just yet x3
Tue, Jan 2nd 2024 04:15

My biggest challenge is keeping my scope down to a single goal. I've got a pair of competing goals that I am working through.   Goal 1: Geography of the Northeastern and Southeastern regions. This is a project I've been working on for the last few months, and I think I can finish it in January (but only if I make it my singular focus). I'm loathe to put it on hold since I've gotten so far along with it, but then there is:   Goal 2: Campaign prep! Later this month I'll be running my first campaign in this setting, and as I work through character generation with the players, I know I'm going to uncover items that need development in order to actually play (currencies come to mind as one example). This one has more of a time pressure associated with it than goal 1, since we are going to be starting the game on the 25th, and I'll need to have at least enough in place to have happy players with playable characters in hand by then. One downside of this goal is that I don't have a clear list of what needs to be worked on yet, and I won't until the character generation is further along.   After writing it all out, I think I will be working towards both, with a preference towards Goal 2, and falling back to Goal 1 articles when I don't have something specific to write for the game. I suppose that makes finishing the geography of the two regions a stretch goal, which works for me - I will be finishing those at some point, but they are less urgent than making sure I have what is needed to play the game.   As for rewards, it's an easy choice for me - getting to run a game in the world is something I've wanted to do for as long as I've been working on it. Running a game is one of my favorite activities, and I haven't had the time or focus to do it since my second child was born, over a year and a half ago. So finishing the articles for the game will let me play the game, and that's all the reward I desire.
Wed, Jan 3rd 2024 11:56

This month, my goal is to write 4 foundational stubs to completion and to get all the spreadsheets and world tracking information up to date.   As my reward, I'm going out to get some coffee.
Wed, Jan 3rd 2024 08:39   Edited on Mon, Jan 29th 2024 04:51

I think this is a great way to get motivated for tangible productivity! My main goal for this month will be to finish filling out my plotting worksheet for Ambition (I still haven't decided on a permanent name) so that I can begin working on the first draft. It feels like a huge step in the process for me, but whether it is or isn't remains to be seen, lol. If I do manage it, I'll want to fully populate the six noble families. I'd also like to do the WA New Year event.   As of 1/15/24: I have completed my plotting worksheet! That felt like it took way longer than it should have. I'd been slowly working on it for months.   As of 1/19/24: I successfully consolidated all of my random notes of events into one timeline! The only things left for this month now are the New Year event, and my Chapter challenge that I've unfortunately been putting off until the very last minute. The noble families will likely have to wait.   As of 1/27/24: Sat down to write a story describing the founding of a settlement in my world; wrote something else. This week is not cooperating with me, haha!   As of 1/29/24: Sent the parents-in-law back home this morning, so now I haven't got an excuse to not focus on writing. XD I've gone and missed the deadline for the New Year thingy. Didn't realize there was one. Oops! I'll prob do it anyway and just not submit it, but knowing that^ I can take my time with it.
Tue, Jan 9th 2024 12:09

My goal this month is to write articles on the family and organizations for my main character of my current WIP. More specifically articles on the Lyard Combine, Arke Station Authority, and a summary of the family tree, father's side.   For a reward, I'm not sure. But it'll be satisfying.
Sun, Jan 14th 2024 11:40

Finished my primary goal (Goal 2 from my post above)!