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Creation of Forice

The creation of the world, for any world, has plenty of myths, tales and stories told about it. However - for Phantoreneige / or Forice for short/ - religious figure, scientists and political figures decided to pick one of those myths and keep it as the one to stay as it is, not be changed, and be taught in schools as the truth.

Here's that myth.


Before everything there was one power in the cosmos. Not a sentient power, not a being, not a material thing you can see and touch. A point of energy, a tiny speck of concentrated light, full of potential and possibilities.

With time that speck moved and passing through stars and space dust it grew, it got more stable, it developped something that could be called a life. It was an idea - to copy the big empty planets it had felt and see, and observe, in what conditions would some form of life come to be. And so it did - this little flicker in space that would eventually one day evolve itself into a god, slowly and gently brought a planet from within itself. It was an ice giant, still a blank canvas for filling in. The "God" wandered a while before finding a good place for it - between two fairly big stars, next to a smaller planetoid which started orbitting around like a moon.
It took time - a few billion years - but with the help of the constant rhythmic rotation of the newly formed system taking in the light of the two suns and the moon, colors creeped on the surface: red, greens, a lot of lighter and deeper blues, even shades and first hints or purple. And these colors represented the different surfaces that emerged - sand and rocks, hot volcanoes, cold and warm water filled oceans and stepped into the landmasses. From processes in the water pseudo-seeds formed and some underwater plants started growing on land, later evolving into trees and shrubbey.
The energy that started it all then saw those colors, saw the life that could be and put a few different types of being onto the planet: It put nests in the waters that later hatched into fish, merfolk and underwater mammals; put nests in the sands and volcanoes, that became sand animals and diggers and dinosaurs; put nests in the green treetops that became the first birds, in the shrubbery- turning into forest creatures and on the grasses of the land giving birth to the first elves, forest spirits and fairy folk; and from the nests in the few zones covered in purple vegetation and strangely floating mist emerged nocturnal beings, animals and elf-kind as well as magical essense that filled these parts of the globe with even more mist but also with dangerous bacteria and viruses that later ended up creating the vampiric condition. 

The more and more evolving deity decided it would be responsible to put something or someone to protect the nests until their hatching time as well as to continue its job while it's away. And so a city was created and it became the home of the first Pantheon of Phantoreneige gods. They were given the ability to create and maintain the life on the planet in their own form and desire as well as finding and teaching followers to inherit them and theirduties for future generations. They were the ones who created the first humanoids following the shapes and designs of the elves and attempting to make them more able to dwell everywhere and not just in the green shelters of nature. When the first dragons hatched, the draconic among these gods mixed their blood and abilities witSomh the ones of an elf race that had moved and adapted to live in volcanic terrains - this created the first dracoss [drah-KOS, not DRAH-kos] - beings able to shift their form to look more like regular humans or to go into full dragon look and  powers, able to comunicate with the wild dragons and tame and crossbreed them. Further one it became their responsibility to protect dragon kind and the peace between the races.
Date of First Recording
895 billion years ago; by the god of knowledge; in Sau Baraus


  • Some versions call that first energy a "God" from the very beginning - completely avoiding the idea that it was first just energy that through moving through space and gaining knowledge and experience with other planets before turned into a more sentient mind, later turning creating its own world into a child's "I want to try too!"
  • Some versions have different names for the gods of the first Pantheon or for the name of the city they lived in.
  • Some versions insist the elves were responsible for keeping the dragons safe first and the dracoss don't get to have the full credit for this task.

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