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Tanno Ontan


  •   tall gates with 24/7 watch in a huge circle around the village
  •   trained  Gedil monkeys in the surrounding trees and flying from roof to roof keeping an eye on enyone who walks in town.
  •  enchanted magical dome around the village that is up-kept by the Elders.
  •  a warning system made of a ring of magical gemstones, wild birds, bells and a bear-like creature that the villagers keep as community pet. This systems warns of anything natural disaster-wise as well as dangerous creature-wise, even if the bear is asleep.                                                            

Industry & Trade

Tanno Ontan keeps in touch with the other six villages of the bigger part of the continent and, being the closest to the shore, takes care of & maintains the ship and trades coming in and gathers everything everyone wants to trade out and also divides the monetary profits that the ship's crew had saved for them.
Items Tanno Ontan itself trades out to others & out to the world include:
  •  Revival potions;
  •  Trained Gedil monkeys for familiars, pets or even as guide-animals for the visually impaired;
  •  Tropical fruits in crates enchanted to keep them from getting spoiled as long as they're in these crates;
  •  Gemstone, wood, glass and sand and stone crafts - big and small; from jewelry, to vases, to tables, chairs and storage shelving and containers & plenty of stuff in-between;
  • Potion ingredients for Revival, Healing and many other potions.


Having in mind that travelers are not a frequent sight and most of the income and economic balance in the village is maintained by trade with the other settlements  and exporting goods once a month with a ship that is co-owned by all villages, whenever an adventuring party or individual does come they might be faced with higher prices for items that they might get for much cheaper on other continents. 
for example:
  •   An "Equipment & Tools" bundle containing a coil of 200ft/61-ish m. of rope, an umbrella hat, three sets of special anti-sweat socks, a pack of 5 stick-on shoe soles, a square piece of cloth with a basic cooling enchantment on it that is 5x5m (16x16ft), two pairs of gloves, three vials of anti-venom and five minor healing potions  - would run them 100 gp
  • A "Researcher" bundle would have the same 5x5m coolng cloth, the umbrella hat, socks, soles and gloves but also five anti-venom vials, three greater healing potions, binoculars, 50 page special sample book made by the village's mage, big & very sharp scissors, 100ft of rope and a book on some of the flora & fauna of the Ronlor lands - as much as it has been explored before. - 300gp
  •  And the biggest bundle one can get includes everything from the previous two bundles and also three Superior Healing potions, two Supreme Healing potions (they are locally crafted variations but have the effect of the well-known ones), one Invisibility potion, one Vitality potion, one Invulnerability potion, three Resistance potions, five potions of Climbing, an enchanted net, Disguise, Herbalism & Climbing kits (one of each), a jug, wrapped in soft wool-like material, that's enchanted to never be out of water and to keep the liquid cool.  + one and only one of the unique Revival potion* - this extremely useful for the rough Ronlor terrain bundle would cost somewhere between 750gp and 2pp - but negotiation, trade and favors might lower the price.
Alternative Name(s)
The big Ontan
roughly around 970 individuals
*Revival potion - shimmery golden-green liquid that can be given to a deceased party member within 1 hour to bring them back to life. They get any bonuses and spell or potion effects from before their death wiped off, half their hit points and 2 points of exhaustion. One potion is for one use for one individual. These potions are unique as they're only made on the continent of Ronlor and if sold separately just one of them costs 500gp.

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