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Azbus: God of Trade and Wealth (AZ-buhs)

Azbus, the great deity of trade, wealth, and knowledge, is a figure of immense power and wisdom in the realm of the gods. His followers, from the lowliest merchants to the wealthiest bankers, hold him in the highest regard, believing that he holds the keys to both material and spiritual prosperity.   Legend has it that Azbus emerged during a time of great economic upheaval, when the world was beset by scarcity and hardship. Mortals struggled to survive, and many turned to desperate measures in order to secure their survival. It was during this dark period that Azbus appeared, offering guidance and enlightenment to those who would follow his teachings.   His vast knowledge of trade and commerce quickly became apparent, and he soon established himself as a powerful patron of merchants and traders. His followers, inspired by his teachings on fairness, honesty, and cooperation, began to accumulate wealth and prosperity, seeing in their success a reflection of their god's blessings.   But Azbus was not merely a god of wealth and commerce. He was also a patron of knowledge and wisdom, and his followers sought his guidance on matters of philosophy, science, and the arts. Many believed that he possessed a deep understanding of the mysteries of the universe, and that by following his teachings, they too could gain enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment.   Despite his immense power and influence, Azbus was known for his humility and his commitment to fairness and justice. He recognized the importance of intelligence and wit, but also emphasized the importance of cooperation and mutual benefit. His followers believed that true success came not just from amassing wealth, but from using it to benefit others and improve the world around them.   And so it was that Azbus became a patron of the arts, with a particular fondness for poetry and music. He recognized the importance of beauty and creativity, and often granted blessings to those who used their talents to enrich the world around them.   To this day, Azbus remains a figure of immense influence and inspiration. His teachings on the principles of trade, money, wealth, knowledge, and wisdom continue to be a source of guidance and enlightenment for those seeking success and prosperity in their lives. And his followers, ever faithful to their god, continue to amass wealth and prosperity, using it to benefit others and create a world that reflects the values of fairness, honesty, and cooperation that Azbus so deeply embodies.

Divine Domains

Domains:   Knowledge: Azbus is known for his vast knowledge of economics, trade, and finance. His followers often seek his guidance in matters of commerce and wealth management.   Trickery: Azbus is also associated with trickery, particularly when it comes to business deals and negotiations. He is known to have a mischievous side, and his followers may use deception and cunning to gain an advantage in business.   Tempest: In addition to knowledge and trickery, Azbus is also associated with tempests. This aspect of his domain reflects the volatility and unpredictability of the economy and the financial markets.   Portfolio:   Trade: Azbus is the god of trade, and his followers seek his blessings to ensure successful business deals and financial transactions.   Money: As the god of money, Azbus is often invoked to help his followers accumulate wealth and prosperity.   Wealth: Azbus is also associated with wealth, and his followers may seek his guidance on how to manage their finances and investments.   Knowledge: Azbus is revered for his vast knowledge of economics and finance, and his followers look to him for wisdom and advice on matters related to money and business.   Wisdom: In addition to knowledge, Azbus is also associated with wisdom. His followers believe that his insights and guidance can help them make better decisions in their business and financial affairs.


The Coin of Azbus: This artifact is a rare and valuable coin that is said to bring wealth and prosperity to its owner. It is believed to have been created by Azbus himself, and it is highly sought after by traders and merchants.   The Ledger of Azbus: This magical book contains the financial records of all of Azbus's followers. It is said that if a trader consults the ledger before making a deal, they will always come out on top.   The Crown of Azbus: This golden crown is said to symbolize the wealth and power of Azbus. It is adorned with precious gems and can grant the wearer enhanced financial acumen and luck in business dealings.   The Key to the Treasury of Azbus: This artifact is said to unlock the mythical Treasury of Azbus, a legendary hoard of riches that is said to be hidden somewhere in the world. The key is said to be guarded by powerful beings, and only the most worthy and faithful followers of Azbus are said to be able to claim it.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Azbus: This is a holy book that contains the teachings and principles of Azbus, as well as stories and parables related to trade, money, and wealth. It may include advice on business practices, tips for accumulating wealth, and moral lessons related to greed, generosity, and fairness.   The Code of Commerce: This is a set of rules and guidelines that govern the behavior of merchants and traders who follow Azbus. It may include standards for pricing, negotiating, and conducting business transactions, as well as regulations for dealing with customers, suppliers, and competitors.   The Law of Wealth: This is a code of ethics that outlines the proper way to accumulate and manage wealth, according to the teachings of Azbus. It may emphasize the importance of honesty, hard work, and responsible financial management, as well as the dangers of greed, envy, and selfishness.   The Merchant's Creed: This is a statement of faith and commitment that is recited by followers of Azbus who work in the trade and commerce industries. It may include pledges to uphold the principles of fair trade, to seek out new opportunities for growth and prosperity, and to use one's wealth for the betterment of society.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: A golden scale with coins on one side and goods on the other, representing the balance and exchange of wealth in commerce.   Sigil: A stylized letter "A" with curved lines representing the flow of money, enclosed in a circle to represent the cyclical nature of commerce and the perpetual accumulation of wealth.

Tenets of Faith

Honesty and fairness in all business dealings: Azbus encourages his followers to conduct business in a manner that is honest and fair to all parties involved. Cheating or deceiving others for personal gain is strongly discouraged.   Hard work and dedication: Azbus values hard work and dedication in the pursuit of wealth and success. His followers are encouraged to work diligently and strive for excellence in their trade or craft.   Wise investment and risk-taking: Azbus believes in the value of wise investment and taking calculated risks. His followers are encouraged to seek out profitable opportunities and take appropriate risks to achieve financial prosperity.   Generosity and philanthropy: While wealth accumulation is important, Azbus also encourages his followers to be generous and philanthropic. Giving back to the community and helping those in need is seen as a virtuous act.   Responsible management of wealth: Azbus teaches his followers to manage their wealth responsibly and to avoid wasteful or frivolous spending. Saving for the future and investing wisely is emphasized.


Festival of Wealth: This holiday is celebrated on the first day of the harvest season and is dedicated to thanking Azbus for a bountiful year of trade and commerce.   Merchant's Day: This holiday is observed on the first day of the trading season and marks the beginning of a new year of business. It is a time for merchants and traders to make offerings to Azbus and seek his blessings for a profitable year ahead.   Market Day: This holiday is celebrated every week on the day of Azbus, which falls on the fourth day of the week. It is a day when merchants and traders come together to sell their wares and make offerings to Azbus.   Day of Giving: This holiday is celebrated on the last day of the year and is dedicated to giving back to the community. Merchants and traders donate a portion of their profits to help the less fortunate, in honor of Azbus's teachings of fair and just trade.   Celebration of Craft: This holiday is observed on the day of the summer solstice and is dedicated to celebrating the artistry and creativity that go into crafting goods to be traded and sold. It is a time for craftsmen to showcase their skills and for merchants to appreciate the beauty of their wares.   Rituals for Azbus, the God of Trade, Money, and Wealth, typically involve offerings and prayers focused on achieving success and prosperity in business and financial ventures. Here are some common rituals associated with Azbus:   Offerings of wealth: To honor Azbus, many followers make offerings of wealth, such as coins, gems, or other valuable items. These offerings are meant to demonstrate the follower's commitment to accumulating and managing wealth in a responsible and ethical manner.   Business blessings: Followers of Azbus often seek his blessings for their business endeavors. This may involve lighting candles, burning incense, or reciting prayers or mantras that ask for Azbus's guidance and support in achieving success.   Financial planning: Azbus is also associated with financial planning and management, and some followers perform rituals focused on creating a sound financial plan or making wise investment decisions. This may involve meditation, visualization, or other techniques that help the follower focus on their financial goals and develop a plan for achieving them.   Charity and philanthropy: Finally, followers of Azbus often engage in acts of charity and philanthropy as a way of demonstrating their commitment to using wealth for the greater good. This may involve making donations to charitable organizations or volunteering time and resources to support community projects and initiatives. By doing so, followers of Azbus aim to embody his values of fairness, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of their lives, including their financial dealings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Encouraging his followers to accumulate wealth through honest and fair means, while discouraging greed and avarice.   Promoting the growth and prosperity of commerce and trade in Aruna, which could benefit both individuals and society as a whole.   Supporting the mastery of skills and creativity in crafting goods to be traded and sold, which can lead to the production of high-quality goods and the growth of businesses.   Encouraging his followers to use their wealth and resources for the greater good, such as through charitable giving or supporting social causes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Azbus, the God of Trade, Money, Wealth, Knowledge, and Wisdom, is a powerful deity in the pantheon known for his sharp intellect and shrewd business acumen. He is often depicted as a tall, lean figure with an air of confidence and authority.   Azbus has piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam with a keen intelligence, and a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his refined appearance. His hair is jet black and styled in a short, sleek cut that accentuates his sharp features. He has a chiseled jawline and high cheekbones, giving him a striking and memorable appearance.   Azbus is typically depicted wearing a finely tailored suit in shades of dark blue or deep green, complete with a matching vest and shiny leather shoes. He carries a small leather satchel that is said to contain a wealth of treasures and secrets, and his fingers are adorned with rings made of the finest materials, each symbolizing a different aspect of his power and influence.

Body Features

As a god, Azbus is often depicted with a divine physique that is both imposing and refined. He is typically depicted as a tall, lean figure with an air of confidence and authority.   Azbus has piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam with a keen intelligence, and a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his refined appearance. His hair is jet black and styled in a short, sleek cut that accentuates his sharp features.   He has a chiseled jawline and prominent cheekbones, giving his face a distinctly angular appearance. His nose is straight and slightly pointed, and his lips are thin and firm.   Azbus is typically depicted wearing a finely tailored suit in shades of dark blue or deep green, complete with a matching vest and shiny leather shoes. His clothing is always impeccably pressed and perfectly fitted, emphasizing his refined and sophisticated appearance.   His fingers are adorned with rings made of the finest materials, each symbolizing a different aspect of his power and influence. He often carries a small leather satchel that is said to contain a wealth of treasures and secrets, further emphasizing his role as a god of trade, money, and wealth.

Facial Features

Azbus, the God of Trade, Money, Wealth, Knowledge, and Wisdom is often depicted with sharp and well-defined facial features that reflect his intelligence, confidence, and authority.   He is known for his piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam with a keen intellect, reflecting his deep understanding of the mysteries of trade and commerce. His eyes are often depicted as being sharp and piercing, capable of sizing up a situation or a person with a single glance.   Azbus has a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his refined appearance, symbolizing his wisdom and experience. His hair is jet black and styled in a short, sleek cut that accentuates his sharp features. His forehead is often depicted as high and prominent, reflecting his intelligence and analytical abilities.   His nose is straight and well-proportioned, giving him a strong and commanding presence. His mouth is often depicted as a thin line, emphasizing his seriousness and focus. When he does smile, it is often a small, subtle smirk that suggests he knows something others do not.

Identifying Characteristics

Azbus, the God of Trade, Money, Wealth, Knowledge, and Wisdom, is often identified by his sharp intellect, shrewd business acumen, and his commitment to fairness and honesty in all dealings. He is commonly depicted with piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam with a keen intelligence, and a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his refined appearance. His hair is jet black and styled in a short, sleek cut that accentuates his sharp features.   Azbus is typically depicted wearing a finely tailored suit in shades of dark blue or deep green, complete with a matching vest and shiny leather shoes. He carries a small leather satchel that is said to contain a wealth of treasures and secrets, and his fingers are adorned with rings made of the finest materials, each symbolizing a different aspect of his power and influence.   These features, along with his association with trade, money, wealth, knowledge, and wisdom, serve to identify Azbus as a god of business, commerce, and prosperity, revered by merchants, bankers, and traders across the land.

Physical quirks

As a god, Azbus possesses an air of regal confidence and authority, and he carries himself with a dignified and refined manner. However, despite his composure and elegance, there are a few physical quirks that make him unique among the other gods:   Fingers: Azbus has long, slender fingers that are adorned with rings made of the finest materials, each symbolizing a different aspect of his power and influence. He often gestures with his hands to emphasize his points during discussions.   Satchel: Azbus is often depicted carrying a small leather satchel that is said to contain a wealth of treasures and secrets. He is known to take great care with this satchel, treating it almost as if it were a part of his own body.   Grooming: Azbus takes great pride in his appearance, and is always impeccably groomed. His hair is jet black and styled in a short, sleek cut that accentuates his sharp features. He also has a neatly trimmed beard that adds to his refined appearance.   Eye contact: Azbus has piercing blue eyes that seem to gleam with a keen intelligence. He is known for his ability to make eye contact with others in a way that makes them feel seen and understood.   Posture: Azbus stands tall and upright, with a posture that exudes confidence and authority. He rarely slouches or hunches over, even when seated. This gives him a commanding presence that is difficult to ignore.   These physical quirks may seem small, but they help to set Azbus apart from the other gods and reinforce his image as a figure of wealth, knowledge, and wisdom.

Special abilities

As a deity, Azbus possesses a range of special abilities that are beyond mortal capabilities. Some of his most notable abilities include:   Divine knowledge and wisdom: Azbus is known for his vast knowledge and wisdom, which is said to encompass the workings of the universe, as well as the intricacies of trade and commerce. His followers believe that he has the ability to impart this knowledge to those who seek his guidance.   Mastery of trade and commerce: Azbus is revered as the patron of merchants and traders, and is said to possess an unparalleled mastery of trade and commerce. His followers believe that he has the ability to guide them towards prosperity and success in their business endeavors.   Financial abundance: Azbus is associated with wealth and prosperity, and is believed to have the power to bestow financial abundance upon his followers. It is said that those who honor him with their business dealings will be rewarded with material success.   Shrewd business acumen: Azbus is known for his sharp intellect and shrewd business acumen, which allows him to outsmart his opponents in the world of business and finance. His followers believe that he has the ability to help them navigate complex financial situations and make wise investment decisions.   Healing: Azbus is also associated with healing and is said to have the power to cure illnesses and ailments. His followers believe that he can provide them with the strength and vitality they need to succeed in their business endeavors.   Protection: Azbus is often invoked for protection, particularly in matters related to finances and business. His followers believe that he can provide them with the protection they need to avoid financial harm and make wise decisions in their business dealings.

Apparel & Accessories

Azbus, the God of Trade, Money, Wealth, Knowledge, and Wisdom, is often depicted wearing formal attire that reflects his status as a patron of commerce and business. He is commonly portrayed wearing a finely tailored suit in rich shades of dark blue or deep green, complete with a matching vest and a crisp white dress shirt.   His clothing is always impeccably clean and pressed, with no wrinkles or stains to mar its pristine appearance. Azbus wears a necktie that matches the color of his suit, and his shoes are made of the finest leather, polished to a high shine.   Azbus also wears a variety of accessories that symbolize his wealth and power. He wears several rings on his fingers, each made of the finest materials and adorned with precious gems. Each ring represents a different aspect of his influence, such as his power over money, his knowledge and wisdom, and his ability to broker deals and agreements.   He carries a small leather satchel, said to contain a wealth of treasures and secrets. The satchel is usually slung over his shoulder or carried in his hand, and its contents are a mystery to all but Azbus himself.   In some depictions, Azbus may also be shown carrying a staff or scepter that symbolizes his authority and power. The staff is often made of gleaming metal and decorated with intricate carvings or jewels, and it may be adorned with a symbol or emblem that represents Azbus and his various domains.


Contacts & Relations

Contacts:   Azbus has good relationships with other gods associated with trade, such as Gornak, the god of markets and commerce, and Lira, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. He also has connections with gods of knowledge and wisdom, such as Filean, the god of knowledge, invention, and inspiration, and Thoth, the god of knowledge, writing, and wisdom. Additionally, Azbus maintains cordial relations with the goddess of crafts and skill, Hestia, as well as the goddess of agriculture and harvest, Demeter. These connections allow Azbus to support his followers in various trades and industries, from farming and crafting to commerce and finance.   Relations:   Azbus is often depicted as a patron of merchants and traders, as well as those seeking financial prosperity. He is known for his fairness and impartiality in business dealings, and is respected by those who value the principles of trade and commerce. However, some view him as a greedy and materialistic deity, more concerned with wealth and profit than with the well-being of his followers. Despite this, Azbus maintains a positive reputation among those who benefit from his guidance and support, and his followers often seek his blessings and assistance in their endeavors.   Other Affiliations: Azbus is associated with the concepts of wealth, prosperity, and financial success. He is often depicted carrying a bag of coins or surrounded by symbols of wealth, such as gold and gems. He is also associated with knowledge and wisdom, particularly in matters of business and trade. Azbus is often invoked by those seeking guidance in financial matters or hoping to attract good fortune in their commercial endeavors. His teachings emphasize the importance of honesty, hard work, and sound business practices.

Social Aptitude

As the God of Trade, Money, Wealth, Knowledge, and Wisdom, Azbus is known for his exceptional social aptitude. He possesses a keen understanding of human behavior and is able to read people and situations with great accuracy. He is known for his charm, charisma, and ability to influence others.   Azbus is a skilled communicator and negotiator, able to convey complex ideas and concepts with ease. He is also a patient listener and takes the time to understand the perspectives and concerns of those he interacts with. His followers believe that his ability to foster cooperation and mutual benefit is a key factor in his success and influence.   Despite his vast wealth and influence, Azbus is known for his humility and approachability. He is often described as a "man of the people," and is equally comfortable conversing with commoners and nobility alike. He values honesty, fairness, and integrity, and expects the same from those he interacts with.   Azbus is also known for his generosity and willingness to share his wealth and knowledge with others. He sees value in investing in the potential of others and is quick to offer guidance and support to those who seek it.


As a deity, Azbus exudes an air of confidence and authority, often carrying himself with a calm and collected demeanor. He speaks with a measured tone and chooses his words carefully, always seeking to convey his ideas and teachings clearly and concisely.   Azbus is also known for his sharp intellect and quick wit, and is not afraid to engage in clever banter with those who are able to keep up with him. He values intelligence and creativity, and often rewards those who are able to demonstrate their cleverness and resourcefulness in their business dealings.   Additionally, Azbus is known to be fair and just in his dealings with mortals, and is quick to condemn dishonest or unethical behavior. He values honesty and integrity, and expects his followers to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with these principles.   When interacting with mortals, Azbus is often patient and understanding, willing to listen to their concerns and offer guidance and wisdom where he can. He recognizes that mortals are not infallible, and believes that everyone has the potential to learn and grow.


As a deity, Azbus is believed to communicate with mortals through various means, including dreams, visions, and intuition. In depictions and stories, Azbus is often portrayed as being articulate and eloquent, with a commanding and authoritative voice. He speaks in a manner that is clear and direct, using precise language to convey his ideas and teachings.   In some stories, Azbus is also known for his quick wit and clever wordplay. He is said to enjoy riddles and puzzles, and often speaks in metaphors and allegories to convey complex ideas. His speech is often filled with references to trade, finance, and economics, reflecting his expertise in these areas.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Merchant King" "The Master of Trade" "The Lord of Wealth" "The Patron of Merchants" "The Guardian of Coin" "The Arbiter of Deals" "The Font of Prosperity" "The Provider of Abundance"
Character Prototype
Name: Azubus   Title: God of Trade and Wealth   Gender: Male   Age: Immortal   Appearance: Azubus appears as a regal figure with a commanding presence. He has sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seem to see through the facade of mortals. He wears elaborate robes of gold and silver, adorned with precious gems that sparkle in the light. His skin is flawless and unblemished, a testament to his divine nature.   Attire: Azubus is always dressed in the finest robes of gold and silver, with intricate patterns woven into the fabric. He is often seen carrying a scepter of solid gold, encrusted with precious stones.   Personality: Azubus is a shrewd and intelligent god, valuing wit, creativity, and resourcefulness above all else. He is fair and just in his dealings, but is not afraid to use his power to enforce his will when necessary. He is respected and feared by mortals and deities alike, due to his vast wealth, influence, and power. Despite this, he remains committed to the principles of fairness and justice, and is quick to reward those who use their abilities for the greater good.   Abilities: Azubus has the ability to manipulate and control wealth, as well as to create new forms of currency and trade. He is also able to grant financial prosperity and success to those he deems worthy. Additionally, he possesses the power to create and invent new technologies related to trade and commerce.   Origin: According to legend, Azubus was born from the chaos of the universe in the aftermath of the Divine War, his mind and spirit forged from the raw power of creation itself. From the moment of his birth, he was consumed with a desire for wealth and power, and set out to amass a vast fortune through trade and commerce. His vast wealth and influence earned him the respect and admiration of mortals and deities alike.   Temple: Azubus' temples are filled with symbols of wealth and prosperity, such as gold and silver coins and precious gems. His followers believe that the pursuit of wealth and success is a sacred quest, and that by following the teachings of the god, they too can achieve financial prosperity and success.

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