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Tobias: God of the Dead (toh-BY-uhs)

Tobias, the enigmatic and mysterious God of the Dead, Afterlife, and Fate, is a deity whose origins and nature have fascinated scholars and believers for centuries. Ancient myths and legends speak of a time when Tobias emerged during the Ascension, a mystical process that allowed him to transcend mortal limitations and gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of death, the afterlife, and the workings of fate.   As a dark and brooding figure draped in black robes, Tobias is often portrayed as a keeper of secrets, wielding a staff adorned with symbols of death and fate. His domain lies in the realm of the dead, where he guides the souls of the departed and presides over their judgment. In many cultures, he is revered as a wise and compassionate deity, a bringer of justice and order to the chaotic realm of the afterlife.   But Tobias is not merely a figure of doom and gloom. Despite his association with the underworld, he is often seen as a benevolent deity whose purpose is to ensure that the souls of the dead are treated with fairness and compassion. He is said to be intimately involved in the process of judgment, weighing the deeds and actions of the deceased to determine their ultimate fate. Some believe that he even assigns souls to their proper place in the afterlife, whether it be a realm of eternal bliss or a place of eternal suffering.   In many ways, Tobias embodies the fundamental human question of what happens after death. His cult has inspired countless artists, writers, and thinkers throughout history, and his influence can be seen in everything from ancient funerary practices to modern-day beliefs about the afterlife. While the nature of his domain may be unsettling to some, his role as a guide and arbiter of justice has made him an important symbol of hope and comfort for many. As long as there are humans who ponder the mysteries of life and death, Tobias will remain a source of fascination and inspiration.

Divine Domains

Domains:   Death - Tobias is the god of death, and as such, he has dominion over all aspects of it. He presides over the moment of death itself, as well as the journey that the soul takes after leaving the mortal realm. He is also responsible for judging the souls of the dead, determining their final destination in the afterlife.   Grave - As the god of the dead, Tobias also has control over the resting places of the deceased. He oversees the construction and maintenance of tombs, crypts, and other final resting places. He also serves as the guardian of these places, ensuring that the dead are not disturbed or desecrated.   Fate - Tobias has the power to control destiny, and as such, he is also the god of fate. He can alter the course of history by manipulating the threads of fate that guide the lives of mortals. He is responsible for ensuring that each individual's fate is fulfilled according to his grand design.   Portfolio:   Death - Tobias represents the inevitability of death, and the mystery that surrounds it. He is also the embodiment of the cycle of life and death, and the renewal that comes from the end of one life and the beginning of another.   Grave - Tobias is the protector of the dead, ensuring that they are laid to rest with dignity and respect. He is also the keeper of the secrets of the dead, guarding their knowledge and wisdom for those who are worthy to receive it.   Fate - Tobias represents the idea that everything happens for a reason, and that destiny is predetermined. He is also the embodiment of the power to change one's fate, and the belief that individuals have the ability to shape their own destinies.


The Staff of the Underworld: Tobias' staff made from obsidian is a powerful artifact that enables him to communicate with spirits of the dead and open portals to the underworld. The staff is crafted from a single piece of obsidian and glows with an eerie blue light. It is a potent symbol of his power over the realm of the dead, and few beings dare to challenge him when he wields it.   The Crow's Shroud: The black cloak made from crow feathers is another of Tobias' unique and powerful artifacts. The cloak is crafted from the feathers of a crow, a bird that is associated with death and the underworld in many cultures. When Tobias wears the cloak, he is able to move silently and unseen, making it an invaluable tool for spying on his enemies or observing events from a distance.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Dead: This is a sacred text that contains rituals, spells, and instructions for navigating the afterlife. It is said to have been written by Tobias himself and is considered essential reading for those who seek to understand the mysteries of death and the afterlife.   The Book of Fate: This text contains prophecies and predictions of future events, and is said to have been written by Tobias as a guide to the workings of destiny. It is studied by many who seek to gain insight into their own fate and the fate of the world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: A skull with a scythe and black roses.   Description: This symbol represents the power of death that Tobias controls, as well as the association between death and mourning. The skull represents death itself, while the scythe symbolizes the Grim Reaper, who wields the power of death. The black roses represent mourning and loss, and serve as a reminder that death is an inevitable part of life. This symbol is often used in funerary contexts, as well as in rituals that honor the dead.   Sigil: An hourglass with a raven perched on top.   Description: This sigil combines the hourglass, which represents the passage of time and the inevitability of death, with the raven, which is often associated with the afterlife and the realm of the dead. The raven perched on top of the hourglass represents Tobias' control over the flow of time and the cycles of life and death. This sigil is often used by followers of Tobias to invoke his power and protection, and to honor the dead.

Tenets of Faith

Respect for the Dead: Followers of Tobias are expected to treat the dead with respect and dignity, and to honor their memory through offerings and rituals.   Acceptance of Fate: It is believed that Tobias controls the course of destiny, and followers are expected to accept their fate without question or complaint.   Preparation for the Afterlife: Followers are encouraged to prepare for their own deaths and to live a life that will ensure a favorable outcome in the afterlife.


The Festival of the Dead: This holiday is celebrated in honor of those who have passed away. Followers of Tobias offer gifts and prayers to the dead, asking for their guidance and protection.   The Rite of Passage: This ritual marks the transition from life to death and is performed for those who have passed away. It is a solemn and reverent ceremony that is believed to help guide the soul to the afterlife.   The Fate-Reading: This ritual involves the casting of runes or other divinatory tools to gain insight into one's fate. It is often performed on important occasions, such as before a major battle or before embarking on a long journey.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To maintain balance between life and death: Tobias seeks to maintain the delicate balance between life and death, ensuring that the natural order of things is maintained.   To guide the souls of the dead: Tobias is responsible for guiding the souls of the dead to their final resting place, ensuring that they are treated with respect and given a proper burial.   To ensure that destiny unfolds as it should: As the god of fate, Tobias is responsible for ensuring that the course of destiny unfolds as it should, and that the world follows the path that has been set for it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a divine being, Tobias possesses a physical condition that is beyond mortal comprehension. His body is both ethereal and corporeal, constantly shifting between the two states. While his appearance may be intimidating, his presence is calming and serene. His movements are fluid and effortless, with every step he takes leaving an impression of otherworldly grace. Tobias' physical condition is perfect, without any flaws or imperfections.

Body Features

Tobias' body is tall and slender, with broad shoulders and long limbs. His skin is pale, almost translucent, and has a soft, otherworldly glow. His arms and legs are adorned with intricate tattoos that weave in and out of each other, creating a beautiful tapestry of symbols and sigils. Tobias' torso is muscular, but not overly so, giving him a lean and lithe appearance. His hands are long and slender, with sharp, well-manicured nails. His fingers are adorned with ornate rings that gleam in the light.

Facial Features

Tobias' face is angular, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. His eyes are deep-set and piercing, a bright blue that seems to see through to your very soul. His nose is narrow and slightly upturned, giving him an aristocratic appearance. His lips are full and plush, with a hint of a smile always present. His hair is jet black, with a slight wave to it that falls to his shoulders in soft, loose curls. His beard is neatly trimmed, framing his face in a way that accentuates his features.

Identifying Characteristics

Tobias' most defining feature is his eyes. They seem to glow with a fierce inner light, and anyone who looks into them can feel the weight of his presence. His tattoos are also a defining feature, as they are unique to him and impossible to replicate. In addition, Tobias' voice is unmistakable - deep and commanding, with a hint of a rumble that reverberates through your bones.

Physical quirks

Tobias has a few physical quirks that are unique to him. For one, he has a tendency to tilt his head slightly to the side when he is listening intently. He also has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when he is lost in thought. Lastly, Tobias has a tendency to disappear and reappear seemingly out of nowhere, as if he has the ability to teleport.

Special abilities

Here's the list of Tobias' special abilities with descriptions:   Control over time and destiny: Tobias' ability to control time and destiny is one of his most powerful and feared abilities. He can manipulate the flow of time to his will, making it speed up, slow down, or even stop completely. He can also control the fate of individuals and entire civilizations, altering the course of history as he sees fit.   Near-omniscience with the ability to see into the future: Tobias' near-omniscience allows him to see into the future with incredible accuracy. He can predict events that will happen centuries or even millennia from now, making him one of the most knowledgeable beings in existence. This ability also grants him the power to anticipate and prevent threats before they occur.   Control over spirits and the souls of the dead: Tobias' ability to control spirits and the souls of the dead allows him to communicate with those who have passed on and summon them back to the mortal realm. He can command these spirits to do his bidding, using them to carry out his will or gather information from beyond the veil of death. This ability gives him a powerful tool to wield, allowing him to manipulate the dead to achieve his goals.

Apparel & Accessories

Tobias is always impeccably dressed, wearing long flowing robes in rich, dark colors. His clothing is often adorned with intricate embroidery and beading, adding to the otherworldly feel of his appearance. He wears a silver circlet on his head, which is adorned with a single black gemstone. His fingers are adorned with numerous rings, each with its own unique design.

Specialized Equipment

Tobias does not carry any specialized equipment, as his powers and abilities are all innate. However, he is often seen carrying a long staff made of polished black wood, which is topped with a large crystal. The staff seems to pulse with a faint energy, and it is said to be a conduit for some of Tobias' most powerful spells.


Contacts & Relations

Tobias is served by several powerful gods, including Sunar - God of fatalism, burial, and guardian of tombs. Sunar is one of Tobias' closest allies and often assists him in matters related to the afterlife. Another of Tobias' associates is Negemis, the God of dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, and secrets. Negemis is a shadowy figure who operates in the realms of the dead, gathering information and secrets that he shares with Tobias.

Religious Views

As a deity, Tobias' religious views center around his role as the god of the dead, afterlife, and fate. His followers believe that he controls the destiny of all beings after death, and that he is responsible for guiding their souls to the underworld or to the afterlife. They also believe that he has the power to influence the fates of the living, and that he can bring good or bad luck to those who seek his favor.   In terms of worship and devotion, Tobias' followers often engage in rituals and ceremonies that honor the dead and seek to appease their god. These may include offerings of food, drink, and other items that are believed to be pleasing to Tobias, as well as prayers and invocations that seek his guidance and protection. Many of these rituals also incorporate symbols and sigils associated with Tobias, such as the skull, the scythe, and the black rose.   Overall, Tobias' religious views emphasize the inevitability of death and the importance of preparing for the afterlife. His followers believe that by honoring the dead and seeking the favor of their god, they can ensure a smooth transition to the underworld and a favorable fate in the afterlife.

Social Aptitude

As a god, Tobias is not particularly sociable, preferring to spend his time in contemplation or carrying out his duties in the afterlife. However, he is respected and feared by mortals and immortals alike, and his influence is felt throughout the universe. Tobias is known for his wisdom and his ability to see into the future, making him a valuable ally to those who seek his counsel.


Tobias is a solitary figure, often seen deep in thought or observing the actions of mortals from a distance. When he does speak, his voice is deep and resonant, carrying the weight of his power and authority. He is a patient listener and tends to take his time when making decisions, weighing all the options carefully. Tobias is also known for his love of puzzles and games, often using them as a way to test the intellect and cunning of those who seek his favor.

Hobbies & Pets

As a god, Tobias does not keep pets in the traditional sense. However, he is fond of the spirits and souls that he controls, seeing them as a sort of extension of himself. In his free time, Tobias enjoys playing games of strategy and skill, such as chess. He also enjoys studying history and philosophy, as well as spending time in the quiet contemplation of the mysteries of the universe.


Tobias' speech is characterized by its gravitas and wisdom. He speaks slowly and deliberately, choosing his words with care. His voice is deep and commanding, conveying the weight of his power and authority. When he does speak, it is often to impart some piece of knowledge or wisdom, or to issue a warning about the future. Tobias is not given to idle chatter or small talk, preferring to use his words to make a meaningful impact.
Divine Classification
Greater God
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Lord of the Dead" "The Keeper of the Veil" "The Guardian of Souls", "The Lord of the Underworld"
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Name: Tobias   Title: God of the Dead,   Gender: Male   Age: Immortal   Appearance: Tobias appears as a tall, imposing figure with a muscular build. He has deep-set eyes that glow with an otherworldly blue light, and his skin is pale and almost translucent. His hair is long and black, and he wears it in a wild, unkempt style. He has sharp, angular features and a thin, almost cruel-looking mouth.   Attire: Tobias typically wears a flowing black robe adorned with intricate silver patterns. He also wears a pair of black boots that come up to his mid-calf. On his head, he wears a silver circlet set with a single black gemstone.   Personality: Tobias is a cold, calculating figure who is often perceived as distant and unfeeling. He is supremely confident in his abilities and has little patience for those who challenge his authority. He is fiercely protective of his domain and will go to great lengths to maintain order in the underworld. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he has a deep respect for those who honor the dead and is known to show mercy to those who do so.   Abilities: Tobias possesses several unique and powerful abilities, including control over time and destiny, near-omniscience, and the ability to control spirits and the souls of the dead. He also wields several potent artifacts, including a staff made from obsidian and a black cloak made from crow feathers.   Companions: Tobias is served by several powerful entities, including Sunar - God of fatalism, burial, and the guardian of tombs, and Negemis - God of dark, night, loss, forgetfulness, and secrets.   Origin: Tobias was created during the Ascension, an event that marked the rise of the gods to power. His origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is said that he was born from the essence of the universe itself.   Temple: Tobias' temple is a sprawling complex located deep within the underworld. It is said to be a place of great power and mystery, and few mortals are brave enough to venture there. The temple is guarded by legions of undead warriors who are fiercely loyal to Tobias and will stop at nothing to protect their master.

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