Behold the Luminarch

General Summary

Storm’s Pass

As the party stood before the desolate town nestled at the base of the towering mountain range, an eerie silence hung in the air. The skies above were shrouded in a heavy mist, casting an otherworldly pallor over the landscape. It was a place that seemed untouched by time, and a sense of foreboding washed over the adventurers.   Before they could fully prepare themselves, a large wolf, its fur as dark as the night, emerged from the dense underbrush, its snarl revealing a mouth filled with gleaming, razor-sharp teeth. The creature's eyes, filled with malevolence, bore into each member of the party, as if assessing their worthiness. With an air of disdain, it turned and disappeared back into the wilderness.   With trepidation, the party continued their journey into the town. Buildings stood tall and imposing, yet the streets were empty, and a thick layer of graffiti and boards marred the once-vibrant facades. It was an unsettling sight, a ghost town left to decay.   As they moved deeper into the town's heart, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. Amidst the dilapidated structures, a lone tavern stood, remarkably well-kept compared to its surroundings. The adventurers approached it, their senses sharpened, ready for whatever awaited them within.  

Storm’s Tavern

The tavern's tattered door swung open, and the party entered cautiously. Behind the weathered counter stood a muscular bartender, a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. Willakran, ever the inquisitive one, inquired about the town's desolation, only to receive a cryptic response that this was normal and not a matter to worry about.   Edwardo, more observant than the rest, scanned the bar and noticed something that sent a chill down his spine. Pinned to the wall behind the bar were wanted posters and bounties for Elfo, Aelida, and Urin, their names unmistakably present. Suspicion and wariness crept into his thoughts.   As Steve took a seat and sampled his drink, he was suddenly gripped by paralysis, his senses fading rapidly. Panic set in as Will reached for his sword, only to be halted by the bartender's call to Elfo. "It's okay, Elfo, you're home," he assured. Elfo, recognizing an ally, implored the party to stand down, vouching for their safety.   But before they could comprehend the situation, Steve and Will were swiftly whisked away by two imposing werewolves who had silently entered the bar.  

Edwardo’s loyalty is questioned.

Meanwhile, Edwardo found himself escorted to a room, blindfolded to ensure the secrecy of his surroundings. In the presence of an older man named Professor Zypher, he was probed about his past as a Kingsblade, revealing deep-seated rivalries and loyalties. Zypher believed in loyalty to the common good rather than to a single individual, offering Edwardo a mystical compass, a tool to guide him toward his destiny. Edwardo, ever the pragmatist, inquired about teleportation aids, planting a seed for future endeavors.  

Meeting Lady Isadora

Back in the tavern, Elfo received an explanation from the bartender about Stormhollow. It was a sanctuary for the Moonswords, where amateur initiates and true warriors found a safe haven to train and learn. This revelation shed light on the peculiar events that had unfolded.   Elfo's journey took a significant turn when he was ushered into the presence of Lady Isadora Stormborne, the patron of the Moonswords. She unveiled a prophecy that had named Elfo as the Luminarch of the Moonswords, a title of great honor and responsibility. As a Luminarch, Elfo bore the weight of a warrior chosen to lead the Moonswords in a battle against a malevolent cult and its dark machinations.   The evening wore on, and as Steve and Will rejoined the group, they were introduced to Lady Isadora, a familiar face from Steve's diplomatic missions to the capital. She was the younger sister of Lord Harrington Stormbourne, known for his eccentricity and patronage of the Guild of Prosperous Valor.  


In the following hours, the party explored the town, reveling in the newfound sense of security and camaraderie they had discovered in Stormhollow. They shopped, celebrated, and even dared to participate in cage fights against the very werewolves who had once taken them captive.   And as the night fell over the enclave, they embraced the sense of belonging, grateful for the respite they had found amidst the mysteries of Stormhollow.


Elfo planted 3 bulbs of Reaping Willow at the end of the day/post session.
Report Date
04 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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