Dragonsfall Market Festival

General Summary

A Walk Through the Forest: Traveling to Dragonsfall

During a day's walk through the forest outside of Hirane the party, guided by Elfo, happens upon a large clearing. Elfo raises his hand to stop and investigates his surroundings. He turns to the party, "Be ready for anyth-." The ground begins to shake. A shambling mound of vines, greenery, and bark raises from the ground underneath Willakran and begins to engulf him. Willakran uses his strength and pushes himself out before he is immersed in vines and brambles. Elfo, Edwardo, and Steve are at the ready. Edwardo begins to cut the tentacle-like limbs from the growth. Steve lights the growth aflame with a firebolt. Elfo fires his arrows to help Willakran and Edwardo to gain an advantage on the now living bonfire of vines. Willakran sees the flame as a sign from Helios. With the help of Edwardo, the two cut away at the growth until it lies on the ground, immoving. Willakran and Edwardo put out the flame as Steve and Elfo observe the wreckage.   Elfo investigates the area futher and sees wagon tracks towards Dragonsfall. No doubt merchants have been pouring through this way for the market festival. Before they leave, Will calls upon the light of Helios to heal his and the parties wounds. As they walk on, Elfo is inspired by the tentacle and attunes himself to the forest. He cuts brambles and roses to put in his pack for later.  

Dragonsfall: Arrival

Upon arriving into Dragonsfall, they are greeted at the town’s borders by Phomas Gelnne, a halfling ambassador volunteering for the days of the market festival. Phomas greets the party with excitement, passing a table outside the Guard’s Shed with Leif Cleaves and Gregory Mistsplitter playing dragonchess.   “Welcome weary travelers! Revel with us! May our modest village provide you the rest and respite you so desire! If our soothing Redstream Inn and Tavern doesn’t tickle your fancy, perhaps participating against other travelers in our 118th Annual Dragonsfall Games will lift your spirits! Take on titans in the fighting tournament, test your skill at archery or sheep tipping, share your stories in the storytelling contest, or even boast your debauchery in the drinking contest! This year, the mayor is most interested in seeing traveler’s skills at storytelling and sheep tipping. While all of the events have a prize, the largest prizes are for those who win those contests in particular!”   “The market is yours to roam! If you need anything, please look for me around the fairgrounds or check in with the mayor’s estate. One of the wards would be able to fetch me.”   "What the hell is THAT?!" Eflo exclaimed as he sees a massive crater south of town. The crater is billowing a dense black smoke. "Oh, that! That is the site of our humble town's namesake. That crater was formed when a legendary wizard known as Nathaniel brought down a mighty dragon. The dragon threatened the town and its residents. Nathaniel bravely gave his life bringing the dragon down out of the sky. There, the dragon's body decays, forever smouldering. A strong reminder of the dangers this realm has to offer the people."  

Entering the Market Festival

The adventurers thanked Phomas for the introduction and information. While Edwardo, Elfo, and Steve walked to the market festival, Willakran asked, "Where might I find the temple?" Phomas directed him down the block to the Temple of the Luminae. As Willakran walks into the temple, he sees a vagrant.   "Helios has left his chariot and Selene's power wanes! We are all most certainly doomed!"   Willakran looks down at the vagrant and kindly offers him some gold and says calmly, "Light guides you my friend." The vagrants eyes widen and nods at Willakran, watching him stride into the temple.   Within the walls of the church, the Priest of Helios tells of a prophecy of Helios judging the world and serving justice to an unjust realm. He warns that though the realm has been quiet, trouble is lurking around every corner, it might not be long before the continent is in a state of unrest, get right with the Luminae while you can!   The Priestess of Selene, picturesquely kneels and prays with the common folk as they filter in and out. She kindly tends to the sick, cluthing a moon-shaped amulet as she provides aid.   The priest gazes upon Willakran amidst his sermon. "Why you, traveler! You are the spitting image of Helio's light!" Willakran approaches and smiles, "My friend, I have traveled here to seek respite." He pulls out his pouch and offers a donation at the altar of Helios. "Where might I find a place to rest?" The priest smiles, "Why, you are welcome to my own quarters. Anything I can do for the light of Helios, I will. Please take any of my healing potions and rest as long as you like!"  


During the market festival in Dragonsfall, Elfo, Edwardo, and Steve immerse themselves in the festivities. They encounter Wordseer, a friendly goliath with a keen interest in wizards and magic. Enticed by the lively atmosphere, the adventurers enter Nephira's tent, a mischievous tiefling spinning a coin with a tankard sigil. They purchase ale from her and proceed to explore the rest of the festival.   Elfo and Edwardo stumble upon Asher's tent, a leatherworker who is quite intoxicated from enjoying the festivities. Asher proudly claims to be the best leatherworker in the realm. Edwardo expresses his desire to combine shiftweave into his magical armor, a light armor that constantly emits a smoke-like substance. Intrigued, Asher offers to create the most functional and exceptional armor ever for a modest price. Edwardo agrees, and Asher promises to have the armor ready by dawn.   Meanwhile, Elfo, captivated by Asher's claims, asks if his simple leather armor can be improved. Asher agrees to enhance it for a fair price, and Elfo leaves his armor with him for the upgrade. As Edwardo leaves Asher's tent, he notices two beautiful scythes displayed in front of Thilenwe Arabriniel's renowned archeologist and adventurer's tent. Tempted, Edwardo approaches Thilenwe and inquires about purchasing the scythes.   Thilenwe regales Edwardo with a tale of his dangerous expedition to a tomb where he acquired the black and gold scythes, showcasing a deep scar on his arm as proof. However, the price Thilenwe demands is beyond Edwardo's means, leading him to contemplate alternative, less honorable methods of obtaining the scythes. Disappointed, Edwardo leaves the tent, determined to acquire them through other means.   Meanwhile, Steve and Elfo visit Inding Galathaniel's tent, renowned as the best blacksmith in Silverglade. Elfo is drawn to some glowing daggers and arrows, while Steve is captivated by a magnificent glowing scimitar that evokes memories of his childhood training in elven blade dancing. Inquiring about the weapons' properties, they learn that Inding crafted them while praying to Selene during a full moon. The blades and arrowheads emit a subtle glow and can provide Selene's light when needed. Excited, Elfo and Steve purchase the scimitar, daggers, and arrows, eager to wield them in their upcoming battles.   Meanwhile, Willakran leaves the temple where he had been staying and expresses his gratitude to the priest for their hospitality. He heads to the Redstream Inn and Tavern, where he briefly encounters Aleida, Urin Bronzehide, and Castle, members of a vigilante organization known as the Moonswords. Willakran gains their trust and shares the story of his party's fight against a mysterious cult in a temple in Hirane. Urin reveals that the cult is known as The Order of the Serpent, and he and Castle are seeking recruits to confront a member of the Order, Urin's own brother, Mileth.   Urin, cautious of their surroundings and wary of prying eyes, suggests meeting at dawn to exchange information and devise a plan to confront the Order. Willakran agrees, and they part ways. Willakran then joins the festivities in the market, eager to reunite with his friends.   Phomas, the town leader, gathers everyone together to announce the start of the Market Games. The first event is an archery competition. Elfo, inspired to showcase his archery skills, signs up to participate. While Elfo competes, Edwardo spots Thilenwe approaching the archery stalls. Seizing the opportunity, Edwardo sneaks past an intoxicated Asher firing arrows and discreetly takes the unattended scythes. Concealing them in smoke, he plans to retrieve them from the dragon's crater in the morning.   The party, now united, joins in the merriment of betting, revelry, and games. They compete in sheep tossing contests, storytelling competitions, and finally, a fighter's tournament. Edwardo and Willakran enter the tournament and advance to the finals. In a heated battle, Edwardo's acrobatics, speed, and agility outmatch Willakran's resilience as they exchange blow after blow. Edwardo gains the upper hand by delivering a well-placed groin kick, securing victory.   With their winnings from the games and bets, Edwardo decides to rectify his earlier action by leaving the original price's worth of gold in place of the scythes as a gesture of restitution, resolving to make things right.   As the festival draws to a close, the main characters reflect on their eventful day, eager to face the challenges and adventures that await them in the morning.
Report Date
04 Oct 2023


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