Facing Frostholm

General Summary

The party finds themselves in the village of Frostreach. The village is ransacked and most seems quiet.   Whistler infiltrates the tent of high ranking members of the order. Whistler gains the following information:   Known Members of The Order of the Serpent
  • Lord Roland Blackthorn (Marquis of Tidewatch, Windmere)
  • Lady Isabella Thornridge (Baroness of Mistshore, Eldoria)
  • Lord Cedric Vossington (Duke of Eldridge, Silverglade)
The Order of the Serpent is headed to the next tower, near Bogside in Windmere.   The party battles their way in an abandoned mine to find an exposed ley line with a crystal, but the crystal is lost in the chasm. Whistler sacrifices a spell slot to empower the ley line to dispell the corruption.

Vorion's Offer

“The smell… the taste…”   The avatar looks to the group of adventurers, his voice seems to be coming from their own minds.   “Bravery like yours hasn’t been seen in quite some time here… this place has gone.. Soft.” The avatar swirls around the body of Umbra Natus.   “This pale imitation of an old friend excited me quite a bit, I must say. I’m glad I have your attention now.”   “You may see me as an evil, I am nature, I am true change, I am your savior. Thanks to your puny imitations of gods, I have been bound to a realm of my own, banished from your world solely because I sought to improve it. Now, the Empyrion is aware, they have been moving on Arvandor since the old king Vorion reported my… creativity. I wish to finish what I started and repel the Empyrion, and you will help me.”   “There is an artifact.. I know not where, hidden by your goddess Selene and her followers. My… blessed order would never be able to find it, but you, you have the drive and the will. Bring the Divine Nexus to Do, my followers there will complete the task from there… I will continue to allow you to channel a fraction of my power until you deliver what is mine. After it is delivered, I promise to allow you to live as my champions. ”
    Edwardo Munch   Elias Neandrin Elias Neandrin   Steve Weatherly   Willakran
  • Found the Shard of Vorion and has attuned to it, now, Willakran has increased strength.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party has met and identified the force behind the cult, the One Who Hungers, otherwise known as Vorion.

Character(s) interacted with

Theon Frostblade, a member of the Moonswords has been saved by the party. Umbra Natus was performing a ritual on Theon before the party reached his chambers.
Report Date
09 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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