Fossilized Dragon Tooth Dagger

Fossilized Dragon Tooth Dagger Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)   Damage: 1d4 piercing damage Properties: Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)   Special Ability: Draconic Essence When you hit a creature with this dagger, you can choose to expend one charge to release a surge of ancient draconic energy. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d6 necrotic damage as the essence of the fossilized dragon tooth drains its life force. The dagger has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.   Attunement: To attune to the fossilized dragon tooth dagger, you must spend a short rest focusing on the dagger and the memories it holds. Only a character with a connection to dragons, such as a dragon-bloodline sorcerer or a character with a dragon patron, can attune to this weapon.   History: This dagger is made from a fossilized dragon tooth, imbued with the essence of an ancient dragon that lived long ago. The dagger holds memories of the dragon's power and wisdom, and those who attune to it may gain insights into the secrets of the draconic world.
Draconic Essence When you hit a creature with this dagger, you can choose to expend one charge to release a surge of ancient draconic energy. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d6 necrotic damage as the essence of the fossilized dragon tooth drains its life force. The dagger has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


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