
Frostholm is an unforgiving Tundra nation. Frostholm exercises extreme self-reliance out of necessity. It is often difficult to travel with large shipments across the frozen plains and lakes. Frostholm is known for their warrior spirit, but in this time of peace, many feel a lack of identity. Many Frostholm natives spend most of their time hunting and preparing for long harsh winters.


Frostholm, often referred to as "The Frozen Realm," is a nation where survival is paramount. Its people, the Frostholmians, have developed a strong warrior spirit that has sustained them through the harshest winters and unforgiving tundra. In Frostholm, the motto "Endure the Frost, Embrace the Fire" reflects the central tenets of their culture: resilience and unity in the face of adversity. With a landscape characterized by frozen plains and icy lakes, the nation exercises extreme self-reliance, as it's often challenging to transport goods across these harsh terrains. In times of peace, many Frostholm natives focus on hunting and preparing for the long, bitter winters, which dominate much of the year. While they take pride in their self-sufficiency, some Frostholmians grapple with a sense of identity as they transition from a warrior-focused society to a more peaceful one. Despite this, their unwavering determination and close-knit communities continue to define Frostholm's unique culture.

Endure the Frost, Embrace the Fire

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Frozen Realm
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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