Lord Victor Thornwood

Physical Traits

Lord Victor Thornwood is an imposing figure, tall and distinguished with a commanding presence. He has a lean and athletic build, indicating a disciplined lifestyle. His features are sharp and angular, with piercing blue eyes that seem to carry an air of intelligence and cunning.   Lord Thornwood's dark hair is neatly styled and kept slicked back, emphasizing his aristocratic demeanor. He often wears fine, tailored clothing, adorned with intricate details and symbols of his noble lineage. His attire is typically in deep shades of black and crimson, exuding an aura of power and authority.  

Personality Traits

His voice carries a smooth, confident tone, tinged with an underlying coldness. Lord Thornwood is known for his shrewdness and manipulation, capable of using his charm and influence to get what he desires. He is a master of deception and intrigue, skilled at concealing his true intentions behind a veneer of respectability.   In public, Lord Thornwood maintains an air of sophistication and elegance, engaging in polite conversation and mingling with the upper echelons of society. However, behind closed doors, he is ruthless and calculating, willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his power and protect his secrets.   Lord Victor Thornwood is a formidable adversary, a puppet master orchestrating events from the shadows, and a key player in the machinations of the Shadow Fangs. His enigmatic nature and mysterious past only add to the air of danger and intrigue that surrounds him.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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