Lunarian Temple Ruins

General Summary

The temple appears abandoned from the outside, but a fresh painting of a snake eating itself catches the party's attention. Inside, they discover an empty temple with an altar dedicated to Selene. Behind the statue of Selene, a secret passage leads down into the catacombs beneath the temple.   Exploring the sprawling dungeon, the party encounters numerous reanimated skeletons, seemingly controlled by a deeper force within the catacombs. Willakran stumbles upon a deep well filled with thousands of skeletons and triggers a trap to crush them all. Meanwhile, Elfo and Willakran separately come across two mirrors, each showing active sun elves, moon elves, and ancient dwarves constructing something. However, the figures of Elfo and Willakran distort and shatter the mirrors. Steve investigates and identifies them as the mirrors of the False Simulacrum, dangerous traps that can pull evil copies of the viewers into the mortal plane with the sole mission of killing the originals.   Amidst the action, the party discovers severed limbs of warforged soldiers, specially designed with weapon sheathes. Steve realizes that these arms could be grafted onto a willing being with the assistance of a skilled medic. Additionally, they encounter a wall of acidic purple mist blocking entry into a larger chamber, within which they hear the sounds of a young boy crying and ethereal chanting.   As the party defeats the last of the skeletons, the mist dissipates, revealing a glowing ancient portal. Standing before it is a wizard in deep green robes and a young boy named Tristan Dustone. The portal is active, leading to a frozen landscape where other wizards wearing similar robes can be seen. The wizard partially resurrects a dragon skeleton to attack the party. Steve and Elfo create an opportunity to teleport and rescue Tristan, while the rest of the group launches a flurry of attacks to bring down the dragon.   Elfo lays Tristan at Willakran's feet, where the paladin assesses his wounds and finds him poisoned. Willakran uses his healing abilities to stabilize Tristan and remove the poison. Meanwhile, Edwardo attempts to distract the dragon but stumbles in the darkness, using the opportunity to draw its attention and allow the party to launch a coordinated assault of arrows and spells, ultimately slaying the beast.   As the party escapes with Tristan, Edwardo drains poison from the dragon's bones, and Steve investigates the portal. He recognizes the inscriptions on the portal as a mix of ancient dwarven and celestial languages. Returning to town, Joseph Dustone expresses his gratitude for their safe return of his son and rewards them accordingly. The party then takes time to rest and recuperate. Elfo brings the warforged arms to a shop where the shopkeeper informs them of a dwarf named Urin in Dragonsfall seeking individuals with knowledge of warforged.   With their adventure behind them, the party reflects on their accomplishments, grateful for the safe return of Tristan and the newfound knowledge they have gained.
Report Date
04 Oct 2023


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