
Learning Maneuvers

  When using this system, each character can learn a num- ber of maneuvers of their choice equal to their proficiency bonus. The options are listed under “Maneuvers” later in the article. These maneuvers can be introduced at character creation, or as part of an ongoing campaign as part of the narrative or as a group reward. You learn new maneuvers as your proficiency bonus increases. When you gain a level, you can replace one maneuver you know with another from the list.  

Downtime Activity: Training Montage

  A GM can allow player characters to study maneuvers during downtime. Two or more characters can choose to study together. It typically takes 5 days of dedicated practice to train each maneuver, and anyone who participates in the training can choose to learn the maneuver at the end of that time. In order to learn a maneuver during downtime, you must have a dedicated teacher who knows the maneuver or a scroll that guides you through the process of learning the maneuver.  

Roleplaying a Maneuver

Using a maneuver is a chance to create memorable moments with your friends. Coordinate with your team in advance: “James, please use your Clever feature as a bonus action! I’m probably going to miss with one of the attacks from my scorching ray, so get ready to redirect it!”  


You can use inspiration in a new way with group maneuvers to create truly awe-inspiring moments. If you have inspiration when you perform a maneuver, you can expend the inspiration to perform the maneuver without using a reaction. In addition, you and your ally have advantage on any attack rolls or ability checks you make as part of the maneuver, and your target has disadvantage on any saving throws made to avoid or resist it.

Maneuver Saving Throw DC

If a maneuver requires your target to make a saving throw, the DC is calculated as follows:  
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence modifier (your choice)


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