Mile High Club

General Summary

The party discusses with the Moonswords details of the battle.

The party's reunion with their steadfast allies, Aleida, Urin, and Lionarv, is a poignant moment charged with purpose and resolve. Gathered in a chamber illuminated by the soft glow of magical orbs, the group exchanges grim glances and silent nods, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the monumental task that lies ahead. With unwavering determination, they relay the harrowing truths they've uncovered—the Order of the Serpent's vile machinations, their nefarious plots that threaten to cast a shadow over Arvandor, and the chilling connection to the now-ominous Tower of Frostholm.   As the Moonsword friends absorb the gravity of the situation, the camaraderie and unity between them remain unshaken. Aleida's steely determination, Urin's unyielding resolve, and Lionarv's unspoken loyalty reflect the unbreakable bond that has formed through countless trials and tribulations. With a renewed sense of purpose, they align themselves with the party's mission, vowing to stand against the encroaching darkness and thwart the Order's sinister intentions.  

Elfo chooses to investigate the voices from behind the cave-in.

Yet, even amidst the urgency of their quest, a glimmer of compassion shines through. Elfo's keen memory resurfaces, casting a ray of hope upon a dire situation. He recalls the cave-in at the entrance of the dungeon—the muffled voices that reached their ears, the faint cries of trapped souls. A collective decision is swiftly reached, driven by the shared understanding that every life matters in the face of impending doom.   The party, guided by a sense of duty and empathy, navigates the debris-ridden path back to the site of the cave-in. Their hearts ache as they discover four dwarven figures, once stalwart inhabitants of this sacred space, now trapped and vulnerable. With Steve's mastery over magic and Willakran's unparalleled strength, the rubble is deftly maneuvered, granting freedom to the grateful survivors. Gratitude spills from their lips as they express their heartfelt thanks for this unexpected salvation.   However, the challenge of conveying the dire state of their homeland weighs heavily upon the party. Sensing the delicate nature of the situation, Willakran chooses a course of action that intertwines hope and candor. He paints a vivid and fantastical tale—that the chamber they stand in is no longer part of Arvandor's subterranean realm, but suspended high above the continent, affording them an aerial view of the capital city. The dwarves' eyes widen in a mixture of disbelief and astonishment, their expressions a mix of awe and anxiety.  

To the Surface.

Determined to seek answers and aid, the party embarks on a quest to the surface of the dwarven city. Urin, their Moonsword companion and guardian of Ironhold's legacy, shares that the evacuation efforts were successful, the people of Ironhold finding refuge on distant islands. The journey eastward, fraught with challenges and uncertainty, serves as a beacon of hope and determination. United by a common cause, Urin, Castle, and Aleida pledge to join the refugees, offering their skills and support to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their kin.   The chamber's atmosphere is charged with a complex blend of emotions—solidarity, determination, and a tinge of sorrow for the world they've left behind. As they step into the unknown, the party remains resolute, fueled by a shared mission that transcends personal boundaries and forges an unbreakable bond. Their footsteps echo with purpose, echoing a promise to face adversity head-on and emerge victorious, for the fate of Arvandor and all its inhabitants hangs in the balance.  

Ironhold in Ruins.

The party steps out of Mileth's workshop, greeted by a disheartening sight—a once-thriving city now reduced to smoldering ruins. The remnants of Ironhold bear the scars of a fierce battle, the aftermath of the Order of the Serpent's ruthless assault. The capital city, now abandoned, hangs suspended in the sky, a solemn testament to the dwarves' tenacious spirit and indomitable legacy. With a heavy heart, Urin guides the party through the desolate streets, a silent tribute to the countless lives upended by this relentless conflict.   As the group navigates through the shattered remains, a conversation between Willakran and Urin emerges. The giant warrior's unwavering dedication to his cause prompts him to seek a new weapon—a symbol of his determination to safeguard his world. Willakran's request to fashion his immovable rod into a spear is met with Urin's acceptance, tempered by wisdom. With a knowing smile, Urin imparts a lesson that transcends weaponry: the essence of protection often demands more than physical might.  

Daven Ween

Meanwhile, Steve, Aleida, and Edwardo venture to the "Daven Ween" tavern—a haven amidst the chaos. The warmth of camaraderie fills the air as Steve uncovers a series of bounties posted by the Guild of Prosperous Valor. His adept fingers deftly pocket these prospects as his gaze lands on a cookbook. An impromptu culinary venture unfolds, with Steve masterfully crafting a meal for his companions in the tavern's kitchen.  


Elsewhere, Elfo and Willakran embark on a quest for knowledge within the hallowed halls of the great library. The texts they uncover shed light on the intricate tapestry of dwarven politics and their interactions with Avalora. A tantalizing discovery awaits—a hidden book that beckons from behind a locked case. Suspicion prompts Willakran to exercise caution, opting to involve the party before unearthing the secrets it holds.   The reunited group converges, sharing stories and sustenance within the library's quiet embrace. The party's exploration reveals an unexpected treatise—an ancient magic known as Soulweaving, its forbidden legacy deeply rooted in Arvandor's history. Eager to learn more, the party decides to journey to the Temple of Ironhold, uncovering its transformation into a memorial to forgotten heroes. As Willakran performs his Heliolithic ritual, a reminder of the shifting tides of faith and reverence in this turbulent time, the party solidifies their resolve to forge ahead.   With Urin's masterpiece, a magnificent immovable spear, the party prepares to set their sights on Storm's Pass. The artistry and strength of the weapon symbolize their shared determination to protect their world from the encroaching darkness. As Urin departs with Castle, leaving behind a portal to guide the party, they rest in the tavern, the anticipation of a new dawn driving them forward.  

To Storm’s Pass

As the morning sun bathes the city in its gentle embrace, the party stands at the precipice of Storm's Pass. An audacious plan takes shape—an ingenious use of a trebuchet catapults them across the sky, soaring over the breathtaking expanse of Arvandor. In the midst of this exhilarating flight, the party's eyes glimpse an enigmatic creature circling the ley line—a fleeting omen that adds a layer of intrigue to their journey.   The ground approaches rapidly, and the party lands outside Storm's Pass. The air is thick with anticipation as the rustling of bushes heralds an unknown presence. Drawing their weapons and readying their spells, the party braces for whatever awaits just beyond their sight, united in purpose and undeterred by the challenges that lie ahead.
Report Date
04 Oct 2023


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