Redraven's Run

General Summary

Strange Beginnings

  In the dimly lit mountain tavern in the mountain village of Eldridge, the adventurers find themselves in the midst of a fateful encounter. The air is heavy with anticipation as they gather around weathered wooden tables, their paths destined to intertwine. As the night unfolds, they notice an eerie silence descending upon the tavern, punctuated only by the low hum of conversation between themselves and the barkeep. Tonight is a holiday, New Tide, celebrating the first new moon of the year. The devout citizens loyal to the moon goddess, Selene, are changing their bedsheets and rearranging their homes in honor of the goddess' connection to change and peace.   Amongst the Tavern, only Bakari RedRaven tools and tends to the party. The tavern is empty for the night, with the tables freshly dusted and the busy tavern keep rearranging the bottles as he fills the parties cups.   Sitting at the bar, Steve Weatherly is drinking his 6th cup of ale. After departing from his mentor, Finasaer Galamin, he is enjoying the holiday and itching for his adventure to realize his teachings to their full potential.   On a nearby table, a bulky man sits, intent on his food, he prays a blessing over his sustenance and for strength on his journey. Suddenly, his knife and fork works with precision to decimate the food on his plate. The man, Willakran, is fueling for his long journey north to the capital city of Silverglade, where there are rumors from seers and listeners alike, fortelling ominous creatures seeking to enter the Isle of the Holy Forest to gain entry to the ultimate place of power in the North. His hunger for justice is second only to his dedication to the teachings of the sun god, Helios, whose teachings have guided his values ever since he was a child in the Doian Temple.   Nestled in the back, a mysterious ranger sits, eying the others from the shadows, he is calculating who would be the quickest to take out in a combat scenario. As he eyes Steve at the bar, he notices a glimpse of home…  

Mysterious Storm and Explosion

  A windstorm unlike anything seen in the area blows through, creaking the mountainside foundation of the tavern and rattling the windows, the party can see that there are livestock and cattle pushed down and even some fall off the side of the mountain. Bakari, in the spirit of Selene’s kindness and inclination to adapt, offers that the party can stay in the attached inn for free until the storm blows over.   During the night, the winds howl and the tavern groans against the mountainside. Suddenly, all fall silent. BOOM! A large explosion can be heard from the valley below. A bright purple glow engulfs the center of town, then vanishes. A building nestled at the epicenter of the explosion is now in flames.   Bakari prays that the town will be able to recover, he explains that the town is poor and barely has the ability to take care of itself. Nearby bandits and raiders would gladly take the chaos as an opportunity to take what little the peaceful village has.   Shortly after, a rogue, Edwardo, jumps out of the janitor’s closet, having drunkenly mistaken this as a free room before the rest of the group arrived, he assesses that this group of adventurers could use a man of his talents and sneaks in file as the party leaves the bar to assist the village of Hirane.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
04 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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