Tristan's Storefront

General Summary

The shop is in disarray There seems to have been a struggle and the stone pillars have scorch marks in strange places, as if the fire started high up in the ceiling, there are papers scattered everywhere, however, a page from Tristan’s journal has legible writing.  
XXX New Tide XXX I had to rush here, I found the last piece of this puzzle, an ember … this will allow me to create the perfect way to conjure a XXXXXXX.. The perfect one. Nothing so useless as something to be swung around or thrown, something.. XXXXXX. My new XXXX has offered me a lot of wisdom, I’m forever in XXXX debt that he found me so close to nowhere. It’s our nowhere. I want to help these people grow, to thrive. With Helio’s light guiding me, I can’t help but think that Selene is also assisting me. My tutor tells me that while Helio’s light can guide us, the moon offers so much more. I am beginning to believe him. With me passing this test, perhaps they will let me finally join XXXXXX. I’ll become the greatest hero to our little village of this age! Once I reveal my power to the temple, perhaps I can pass through.


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