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Astral Diamonds

"When Anima cries, stars fall to earth, carrying her grief."
— Pontifex Haana Metilene, on meteorites.
On occasion, a star will fall from the astral plane, crashing deep into the earth. Over hundreds or thousands of years, the meteor is subjected to intense pressure, until the carbon within crystallizes. These crystals are called Astral Diamonds.


Material Characteristics

Astral Diamonds take centuries to form under natural pressure. When fully formed, Astral Diamonds are found in large, whole geodes. The inside is a glassy blue substance, like ice with liquid water suspended within.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Fully formed Astral diamonds contain the pure essence of Anima. They are drawn to mortal souls, and hum when brought close to a living creature.

Geology & Geography

Astral diamonds are found deep underground all about Arxios.

History & Usage


Astral Diamonds were first discovered by ancient astronomers, priests of Viva Mori, who viewed the fallen meteors as the tears of their mother goddess, Anima.

Everyday use

Astral Diamonds contain Anima's pure essence; They react strongly to mortal souls, and are crucial ingredients in spells that interact with life and death. Most commonly, an astral diamond is the core ingredient in resurrection spells.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Resurrection is seen as a deadly sin to the church of Viva Mori. It is clear and open defiance of the cycle of life and death for which the church stands. Therefore, acquiring an astral diamond to use with such spells is incredibly difficult.


While not entirely necessary, it is advised to refine an astral diamond before use in magic, as an irregular gem can produce inconsistent effects.
Quite Rare, mythical
Acrid, like vinegar, when first exposed to air
Icy blue
Common State
Solid crystal


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