Bardic Master Rank/Title in Arxios | World Anvil
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Bardic Master

A title given to a bard of Dol Taedh when they ascend to the High Council.


A bard who wishes to join the High Council must prove themselves a master of their craft through centuries of work to create a sprawling portfolio. They must also have taken at least one apprentice, who successfully passes the Quest of Valor, to prove their intention to uplift the community. If a Bard meets all these requirements, and there is a vacant seat on the council, they may petition the council members to judge their work, and earn the title through majority vote.


Members of the council have a duty to oversee the elevation and expansion of art in all its forms. They are stewards of their community, with many taking on apprentices, or teaching larger classes. 

In addition, they serve as speakers for the village in foreign affairs. Any outsiders who wish to interact with the village do so at the whim of the Council.
Civic, Honorific
Length of Term
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