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Celestial Bronze

"Not even Ghezen, god-patron of the forge, is immune to error. At times, discarded pieces from his forge fall from the Astrum to earth. Sculptures, tools, even weapons formed of celestial bronze end up in the hands of mortals, and wreak havoc upon the world."
— A quote from Mars Ultor, Forgemaster of Aglaia.

Celestial bronze is one of very few workable metals with innate magical properties. It has the appearance and apparent weight of bronze produced by mortals, with none of the detrimental properties. Its edge never dulls, and it is impervious to corrosion, making for powerful, long-lasting tools.

While modern smiths have learned to work pre-existing celestial bronze, the mystery of creating the metal has never been cracked. Most believe it is impossible to do by mortal hands. Whether or not one believes the myth that Ghezen themself creates the metal and discards it on earth, it seems mortals are doomed to simply pick up the pieces.


Material Characteristics

A deeper, somewhat iridescent bronze that never scuffs or rusts.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Being of astral origin, celestial bronze carries beneficial properties. Weapons and armor forged of it never decay, and are especially effective against monstrous creatures, those of tartarus. 
In a similar fashion, great works of art that include celestial bronze in their structure seem to exude an aura of protection. A ward against creatures of chaos.

History & Usage


Celestial bronze can be found all over Arxios. Sometimes in ancient ruins, where archeologists find sculptures or weapons miraculously preserved while their surroundings have crumbled to dust. Sometimes one will discover a half-finished statue lying in a smoking crater, having fallen to earth from nowhere. 


Trade & Market

Due to its erratic method of discovery and extreme rarity, celestial bronze can fetch an impressive fortune if one wishes to sell. Most smiths would mortgage their forge for a chance to work the metal. Those who worship Ghezen see it as a gift from their god, a challenge for them to show their faith by crafting with metal from Ghezen's hand.


Common State
Discarded crafts


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