Ira Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Ira (Eye-rah)

"All that lives must die. All that rises must fall. There is no beginning without end."
— Testament to the imperative of Ira.

Shadow of Creation

"That which exists must cast shadow" is a common philosophical tenet, and it holds true more than most know. Even Anima, the mother of the universe, has a shadow. Her name is Ira, and she is the goddess of destruction. If Anima and Corpus create a cycle of life, death, and rebirth; then Ira represents the inevitable breaking of that cycle. One day, she is destined to bring an end to creation and causality, and when all progress has ceased, she will swallow the world.

Divine Domains

Ira is the goddess of destruction, of ends. She represents the fundamental mortality of all creation.

Holy Books & Codes

Avatar of Abandonment

Theologists who study the beliefs of the Dhucose Tribes have drawn many comparisons between Ira's divine purpose and the Dhucose's Law of Abandonment; Which describes the inevitable division and end of all creation.

Prophecy of Destruction

Scholars have searched for the first divine texts that describe Ira's inception, in hopes of discovering the missing link between her existence and the Prophecy of Abandonment. If these texts are indeed drawn from the same source, their contents could well be much more than theoretical.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ira is represented by signs of destruction and decay. Fires, Ashes, and the Broken Spear are the most common symbols of her will.

Tenets of Faith

Ira is generally regarded as an evil goddess. Her domain represents the undesired stage in life, and her will is commonly attributed to disasters and untimely deaths. It is unheard of within the Church of Viva Mori for one to directly worship her, but her necessity is recognized as a part of the cycle, and so tribute is paid.

There are, however, sects of worship outside the church that devoutly follow Ira and her divine goals. Who work to bring about the end of the universe.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Avatar of Destruction, Chaos Incarnate, Clock-Breaker


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