Kore Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Kore, the castle city of House Deepsummer. A sprawling, low city that rests like a blanket over the hills of southern Stopstalk.


Kore is a city of farmers, gardeners, and vintners. Noble houses of Kore own vast arrays of farmland, where citizens work to cultivate the land that produces most of Arxios' food. 

The population is mostly human and havlin, though there is also a subculture of wood elves who have emigrated from the dhucose woods and started their own lines within the kingdom.


The city is governed by the farmer's guild, which is led by an elected council of noble farm owners as well as the Baron Deepsummer. Currently, the Baroness Cerese Deepsummer oversees the council.


Kore is famed for its wind-powered technology. Massive windmills line the walls of the city, powering machines that care for many different civic and domestic tasks. Most homes also have windmills of their own appointed on their roof.   Water is gathered from rain barrels as well as from the river Eros, diverted into canals that run the perimeters of the city.


Kore is a classically built city, with timber-framed houses painted in warm, bright colors. Sloped gable rooves assist in diverting rain and also create guiding channels for wind.


Kore sits on low hills aside the River Eros. Outside the walls of the city proper, acres of farmland stretch southwards over the rolling plains. While north of the city, the maple woods pepper the landscape all the way up into Hollosmith territory, turning an array of fiery colors in the harvest season.
Founding Date
56 CE
Owning Organization


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