Moletown Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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"Welcome to Moletown. No law will touch you, nor will law protect you. Enjoy your stay."
Moletown is an autonomous state of camps and markets resting in ancient craters and connected by a network of tunnels. It was founded in the year 705, amidst the reign of the tyrant Queen Decima. The founding citizens created Moletown on the fringe of Stopstalk's territory, establishing an autonomous zone in defiance of Decima's rule. 

These days, Moletown is entirely unregulated. With no laws or mandates beyond the law of the blade. Under the influence of the Slugwill Gangs, the town has become a hub for smuggling, gambling, and other illicit activities.


Moletown's sole line of defence is the gatehouse, which stands at Molesbridge, across from Castle Deepsummer. While fairly fortified, the gatehouse does little to protect against military threats. The town's one true defence is its existence. If the kingdom of Stopstalk were to invade and annex Moletown, they would only be proving the point of Moletown's existence, a defiance of totalitarian rule.

Industry & Trade

Moletown is founded on the principle of mutual living. Everyone has their niche, and they support their fellow moles. In addition to local industry, Moletown's lack of regulation makes it a tantalizing opportunity for private organizations within the Kingdom to acquire cheap labor or materials under the nose of the law.


Central Market

The central crater of Moletown is a grand black market. Without regulation on currency, prices, or goods; One can find practically anything for any price at the market if they know where to look.


"Downtown" is the playful name for Moletown's subterranean residential district. Several apartment complexes have surface entrances, and extend deep into the earth.

Entertainment Crater

  Home to the notorious Greatwall Inn, the entertainment Crater is a hub for Moletown's artistry and nightlife. The plaza is populated by performers of all stripes, and the inn itself hosts concerts and festivals year-round.

Guilds and Factions

Lukas & Mel Inc.

The corporate side of the Slugwill Gangs has a finger in every pie in Moletown. Though there is no official government ruling over the city, not much happens without the approval of L&M.

Crafter's Roundquarter

The Roundquarter is a centralized area for crafting and trade services. Only the best in a given trade can keep a shop in the roundquarter. Frequently a shop in the roundquarter can be challenged for their spot via a crafting competition. The winner moves into the roundquarter, and the loser must find a new space to set up.


Moletown is built within natural craters that have existed for thousands of years. Legends say the area was once the lair of the witch Medea, who rained fire from the sky in her last stand, destroying her home and herself in the process.

Points of interest

The Church of Barter

Alone in the northernmost crater lies the Church of Barter, a sub-sect of the Church of Viva Mori that worships Ghezen specifically. The church is sacred to merchants and craftsfolk, and is the ideal location for important and large-scale deals.

Bottles and Baubles

B&B is an alchemist shop by name. However, the tower also plays host to researchers and magic users seeking asylum from the laws and regulations of magic within the kingdom.
The shop also provides appraisal and trade-in services for magic objects and gear. Their stock and services vary depending on the current resident arcanists, save for the tower's owner and proprietor, a gnome mage by the name of Barkenstalk.


Moletown's market and entertainment district make it a hotspot for tourists both in and out of the kingdom to seek some uninhibited thrills. Many well-off folk from Stopstalk come to Moletown to gamble away their gold, or purchase illicit luxuries.


Moletown is a patchwork job from the ground up. Many of its buildings are pieced together from ruins and relics. As the town is home to many demographics and cultures, its style varies wildly from building to building.


Moletown's position in the shadow of the mythical Everstorm makes the climate quite unpredictable. Strong winds whipping down from the great storm make windmills a must for any working machines.


  • Moletown
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym


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