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The Arxios Connection

The Arxios Connection is an independent collective of merchants and artisans. A trade caravan that travels across all of greater Arxios.


The Connection is collectively owned by its merchants. Anyone who wishes to join the caravan pays a tithe into the caravan's treasury in return for a wagon and security along the road.

Though there is no owner of the caravan, a treasurer is regularly elected to represent the caravan and manage its coin. The current treasurer is Agile Quill, a tabaxi merch from the Eastern Reaches.


As a trade hub that exists unbound to any government, the Connection is a hotspot for less-than-legal wares. Merchants of the Connection are loyal to one another, knowing that their loyalty could save their life in this business.

Public Agenda

The Connection's purpose is in its name. It was formed after the end of Queen Decima's reign, when the land was still much divided. The caravan aimed to reconnect Arxios' people through trade of wares and culture.


The caravan usually hosts over a dozen merchants at any given time, and hires mercerenaries wherever it can to protect their people and wares.

Artis Ad All (Trade Reaches All)

Founding Date
778 CE
Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Connection
Notable Members


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