Tomb of Heroes Myth in Arxios | World Anvil
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Tomb of Heroes


According to history, the tomb of the first sovereign, Satus Stopstalk, lies with the rest of his line in the royal catacombs beneath Castle Delphi. The tomb is a part of each heir's quest of glory, wherein once they have completed their quest, they are to visit his tomb and receive a boon of knowledge that will be their guiding light in the years to come.

But there is a legend, not more than myth, that when a questing heir shows true promise, they are instead led to the Tomb of Heroes; A place where the spirits of the heroes of Arxios from across history hang their swords. It is from here, not Satus, that they receive their boon. Some say it is a weapon, some believe it is divine power from the gods themselves, or fiendish magic that Satus was rumored to wield. Nevertheless, no Sovereign has been known to have seen it, though a few were suspected.

In Literature

Poems aplenty have been written on the myth of heroes, both of Stopstalk and greater Arxios. The tomb is described as a gathering of all those who have come before to counsel those who will come next.

In Art

Many classicists have depicted their imagination of the tomb of heroes. During the reign of King Undecimus, it was popular to depict his journey to the tomb, wresting the power he needed to overturn his tyrant mother.
Date of First Recording
100 CE
Date of Setting
65 CE


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