Undecimus Stopstalk Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Undecimus Stopstalk

Sovereign Undecimus Laeros Stopstalk

The eleventh Sovereign of Stopstalk, first and only child of Queen Decima the Draconic. Undecimus was as much a victim of his infamous mother as the rest of Stopstalk. In order to end her reign and the suffering she was inflicting upon the land, Undecimus undertook his Quest of Glory at the young age of 13, escaping from Castle Delphi with the help of his personal guard in order to travel the land in pursuit of glory and good.

Prince Undecimus suffered much during his quest, it was not a challenge meant for a child. When he returned victorious to depose his mother, he came with wounds aplenty. However, he came also with the full support of his people, and successfully ended Decima's reign.

Curse of the Fates

There are none who would oppose the statement that Undecimus' actions were just. And yet, the unchangeable truth is that the killing of one's own mother is a grave sin. The fates cursed Undecimus for his actions. In his dreams, he learned that for his deeds, his progeny would be doomed to repeat the cycle. This prophecy came about years later, when Undecimus' only heir, Dodeka, caused her mother to die in childbirth. 
Undecimus suffered dearly throughout his life, but he never gave up on his people. He willingly took on the grim work himself, all to better the lives of others. For his selfless deeds, he is heralded as one of Stopstalk's greatest heroes. Many children of Stopstalk are named for him, and his statue stands in the courtyard of Castle Delphi to this day.


Contacts & Relations

Undecimus is held as a great hero and role model to the people of Stopstalk, but he did not accomplish his feats alone. He was aided throughout his journey by his protector and knight, Sir Terrus of Pratchett, whose tale is told far less than it is worth.
Current Status
Deceased - old age
750 CE 812 CE 62 years old
Current Residence
Delos Royal Catacombs
Aligned Organization


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