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"As the world around the people of Fallforge collapsed from a grand calamity Osen the Mountain sacrificed herself to keep the town safe, as always Osen would achieve victory by any means necessary and the town would be forever grateful to her." -Osen the Mountain: Hero, Legend, Friend


Another predominately human settlement with a few families of Gnomes and Dwarves, a drunkard claiming to be the town's law hassled me on my way in. It's a little odd, he was a Half-Elf but I didn't see any Elves in the area.Might have been orphaned.


I feel I may be missing something but I should still jot this down, the only form of government in this town seems to be a mayor, his secretary, and the sheriff. According to the Mayor he has been in office for over fifty years, he has never been contested on this. When I asked about how he runs the place he said "I don't really do much of anything, I need to mediate disputes every once and a while but otherwise the town runs itself", this was a bit shocking. I guess he is more like a village elder than an actual official.


Around the perimeter of the town are these odd evenly spaced stones that are covered in runes, the stones don't seem to be active tho I wasn't able to study them for very long as I was hassled by the sheriff for "suspicious behavior". A wall was built up between the stones to enclose the town for added safety and given how untamed the area is I don't blame them.

Industry & Trade

Fallforge as the name would suggest is a mining town with a long history of great smiths. As it stands there is only one master left and he has become a shut in and refuses to see any guests or would be disciples, tho he has a modest shopping stall outside of his workshop that he leaves his works out for those interested. He never mans it himself tho which is a bit odd, the honor system must be big in these parts.
There is also enough land within the walls to handle there farming and the town also has a large number of hunters that brave the forest outside to hunt for meat and pelts.


One of the most identifiable things about Fallforge is that it's built right next to a cliff and situated on that cliff is a large metal structure. When I asked the Mayor about it he told me that it was an automatic pulley system that use to be used to lower the miners down to the mines to gather ores more efficiently tho after what the townsfolk call the calamity it fell out of use as the mines had filled with all manner of monsters. So it's currently rusted out and needs work. The area around the lift was a area for ore processing and smithing, tho now it sits empty almost frozen in time.

Guilds and Factions

This place seems pretty independent tho I've seen emissaries from Eos' Adventurers Initiative as well as a lone traveler calling himself rabbit. Seems a few folks are interested in this old mining town, may not stay independent for long.
Inhabitant Demonym

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