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Petronella III Oishalin Belisar

"So longeth I stande, this empire shan't crumble."

Empress Petronella III Oishalin Belisar (a.k.a. Petra)

"Cursed child! Thou art the one who taken mine mother from me. Damned be the day thou wast born!"

— Princess Petra, quarelling with her youngest sister

The Current empress of the Belisarian Dynasty. Named after the heroine and her ancestor Petronella I, in the early Psylodotian language her name meant "stone". Born as a woodland elf, a Magastrata who is adept at Pyromancy, and the Arcane arts, and is a master of Terramancy.   She stands in crisis between her cousin Aelyra and the potential Senecan threat.  

Paragon of Elvenkind

  As the Empress of the Belisarian empire, many elves look up to her as the perfect example of how woodland elves should strive to be. Coming from a bloodline of heroes, she more than lives up to her name and perceived reputation, with the hard work she put up for herself she gained the respect of other woodland elf leaders and the devotion of her most loyal supporters.  

The two-year Stalemate

  It has been two years since the hostility between Petronella and Aelyra began after the discovery of Dennish warship washed ashore close the borders of Cuinnan. Petra wants to be careful around her hotheaded cousin, else the conflict may result in a civil war between Cuinnan and Orison.

Unbridled Focus

  Inheriting the legendary focus of her forebearers, she took great advantage of her talents and honed it. she dedicated herself to mastering the art of Terramancy, and at a young age before she even reached her first century of life. And by the time the the rite of succesion rolled around she dedicated herself in practice to become the next empress.  

Elven Artist

  Not necessarily with the brush and canvas or with instrument and song. Her art form is the art of magic, with her spellcasting foci, a book of spells, somatic gestures, and incantations. As she was mastering the art of Terramancy, she fell in love with the magic of her people, oftentimes dedicating herself to crafting newer spells that she might use or modifying existing ones to fit her better. On the side she also does poetry.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Petra's Appearance
Physically fit, tall and slender like a regular elf, has bright olive skin, still considered young on elven standards seeing as she is yet to live her first century. She weighs about 77kg and is 1.87m tall, shoulder-length ash-colored hair that she usually braids and her eyes are green. Despite being a veteran in many battles, she had accumulated no scars during battle.

Apparel & Accessories

  • Mantle of The Ciann - The mantle to symbolize that she is the queen of Ciann.
  • Imperial Crown - The crown worn by Belisarian empress.

Specialized Equipment

  • Ornate Ciannan shield - a decorated round shield that she uses on the battlefield. Also, substitute for her spellcasting focus in casting Terramancy magics.
  • Ciannan pole spear - A long silver spear with a flag attached to its pole. It can be used with both hands or with one hand coupled with a shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

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She was born as the eldest daughter of Lady Oisha Belisar, the glade matron of Efabel, and Lord Fringilus Aelian. Being the eldest daughter of the family, her mother and father would train her to be a strong warrior and educate her in the knowledge of ruling the glades. She was especially close to her mother since she was her heir, oftentimes Lady Oisha would take days off as glade matron to spend time with her daughter. During her childhood, her younger siblings would be born. She would get along with them fine but when Renalla, her youngest sister, was born her mother died during childbirth as an overwhelming surge of mana was present within the child. She had given birth to a manabreaker but at the cost of her life.   Petronella grew spitefull of Renalla for taking away the person she cares most about, and for having the gift of manabreaking which she felt that Renalla did not deserve. With the growing resentment within her, she would constantly rag on Renalla out of spite, cursing her in any chance she gets. This would worry her father, sensing hostility in his household he would reprimand Petra and her siblings for picking on the youngest. This would also prompt Fringilus to send Renalla to live with his relatives just so she would not be tormented by her siblings.    
Teenage Years and Becoming the Glade Matron of Efabel

Having disgraced her father for picking on a distressed child, her aunt, Lady Narsilla Aelian, was sent to tutor her and her siblings. From her, Petra would learn discipline, proficiency in the usage of polearms, and the use of Terramancy. During this part of her life, her father would teach her the responsibilities that her mother had when she ruled over Efabel and what her duties are once she reaches the age where she could take over as glade matron. During these years she had a brief courtly relationship with Marion.   Once she reached the young age of 19 her father stepped down as regent and have Petra take over as glade matron. He and his sister stayed beside her for a year as her guide in ruling the glades. Afterwards, her father went to live with Renalla in order to raise her, while Narsilla stayed behind to raise her nieces and nephew.  
Years as the Glade Matron

For an elf her age, she had overcome much and now that she has become a glade matron, the challenges of keeping peace in her lands now lie within her shoulders. Becoming a glade matron at the age of 20 seems too young for woodland elf standards, luckily she has someone to guide her always and assisting her whenever she ran into trouble, her aunt who to this day continue to tutor and train Petra and her siblings.   She would continue to rule as glade matron until the age of 76 where her grandmother, the empress of the Belisar dynasty at the age of 301 due to natural causes. Naturally, the belisarian council called for the rite of succesion. She would enter as Canaigh. She had great felt scorn before the rite of succession could begin, if her mother still had been here, she would be standing as Canaigh instead of her.   By this age, she had mastered the school of Terramacy and is now branching her knowledge in the Arcane arts and Pyromancy. She was a prodigy, becoming a magastrata at such a young age, and all of that is thanks to her dedication and diligence. Despite her age, being one of the youngest Canaighs in the tourney, she was one of the favorites to succeed the empress due to her display of talent alone.   When the time came she surprised no one, she had won the tourney and earned the right to become the queen of Ciannan and the Empress of the Belisarian dynasty. Aelyra Belisar came in second against her, she was granted the title of the queen of Orison.  
As the Empress and Current life

Her rule as the Empress of the Belisarian dynasty was uneventful yet stable, she had maintained her borders pretty steadily and continually protect her people from threats such as pirates and bandits.   Currently, she's facing a standstill against Aelyra, the former queen of Orison due to disagreements in how they would have handled the situation against the failed Dennish invasion. The opposition Aelyra wants to launch a counter-invasion against the Senecans in Carrion, yet the empress wishes to bolster defenses and not provoke another Senecan invasion.


Was tutored by various teachers in her time learning the elven magics. She specialized in using the magic of Terramancy and is adept at both Pyromancy and the Arcane arts. As a former glade matron herself, she has experience in leadership of at least 50 years before she became the empress. Under her aunt Narsilla, she became an excellent warrior, trained in polearms and disciplined in the heat of battle.


She served as the glade matron of Efabel. Oftentimes as a ruler and a stalwart defender, warding her lands against bandits, pirates, and many other undesirables.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Unbroken Shield - As a warrior and commander, she has never been defeated in battle as the defender. Her unyielding nature allows her troops to fight her battles with heightened morale. One such example of her deeds is the raid of Rainann. Rainann is a smaller glade that falls under the territories of Efabel. One day when she was visiting this glade, a group of beastmen and drow vagabonds comprising of more than 200 bandits came to raid the place. With little time for preparation, the 40 y/o Petra gathered the militia numbering to about 16 men and women of Rainann. With sheer determination and will she carefully picked off the vagabonds little by little until they withdrew from the village. Despite being outnumbered 20 to 1, she instilled discipline in her soldiers and used them carefully, winning a battle without casualties.
  • Self Made Magastrata - Initially, she did not have the required acumen to branch into another school of magic, let alone two schools. But through her focus and discipline, she has managed to unlock her potential as a mancer, mastering the arts of Terramancy at a young age and learning from 2 other schools simultaneously.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Bloodline Quareller - Either intentional or not, Petra may find herself squabbling against a fellow Belisar. First against her sister Renalla after antagonizing her. Her other sister Ethelgard, after her wanting to take Petra's place as the glade matron. And Even banishing her brother Oisin for eloping with a beastman girl. Lately, she has a conflict with her cousin Aelyra that could potentially rift the empire.
  • Questionable Commander - As talented as she may be, her skills as a commander leaves much to be desired. A defensive mastermind that never bothered to move out of her comfort zone her skills in leading her troops in the offense never developed. Always suspicious and wary against her adversaries she would almost never move her troops unless she has the absolute advantage. One such instance was when she led a battle with her troops numbering 5 to 1 against the enemy. Her enemies sent her spies false reports which she believed. Fearing that an ambush might be waiting for her she didn't move her army until the point that the pirates escaped. They were later hunted down by Aelyra.

Intellectual Characteristics

A stoic empress that welcomes help as long as it's viable. She's incredibly stubborn once she sets her eyes to do something.

Morality & Philosophy

"Foolish mothers na'er senden her sons'n daughtren to the battlefield, bidden naught but ruin to her house."

— Petra III's opinions on non-Belisarian Woodland elves. 1175
Amongst all woodland elves, Petra, born as a Belisarian elf is an elitist. She believes that the culture of the Belisar is far superior to that of the pacifist nature of the usual woodland elves.
Forgiveness is earned, one must strive for retribution in the eyes of the gods.   A disciplined army is as good as an unbending fortress.


Anything from Seneca, whether it is gunpowder or other kinds of technology.

Personality Characteristics


Considering herself to be the shining paragon in Woodland elven society, she aims to keep the empire intact by any means necessary. In order to do this, she would pacify Aelyra and her rabblerousing supporters that dare question her judgment. She feels no need to send her troops in Carrion since they'll be facing unknown lands, rather she'd bolster her army in preparation if ever the Senecans try to do so again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Petronella herself recognizes good advice when she hears one, she's never afraid to hear out her councilors and will respectfully tell her peers that she disagrees with certain suggestions during regular days. On the days that she decides to set her mind to something, she is stubborn as a mule and won't move for anything for she feels her conviction is in the right place.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Ciannan Honey
  • The white stone cities of Orison
  • Her mother
  • Elven Festivals
  • Senecans
  • Most of her siblings (Renalla, Ethelgard, Oisin)
  • Beastmen
  • Old fashioned woodland elves
  • The sea

Virtues & Personality perks

Petra is very compassionate to those who love her. This same compassion flows through her love for her people, completely dedicated to serving the gods and her people as the Empress of the Belisarian Dynasty.

Vices & Personality flaws

Petra is hard to forgive people who have gravely wronged her. To the public, this is well known as she had never forgiven her siblings for their wrongdoings, Renalla for killing her mother, put Ethelgard in house arrest for trying to usurp her as the glade matron of Efabel, and banishing Oisin for letting beastmen mercenaries run around Cianna and eloping with one.


Family Ties

  • The Belisarian Dynasty - Her family and close relatives.
  • Aelian Clan(Head: Messila Aelian) - Her relatives from her father's side.

Religious Views

A worshipper of Sidlas, faithful to the Lecarnic pantheon.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Poetry - She fell in love with the artistry of the Belisarian poets and had become enamored with it after she caught one of her advisors thoroughly enjoying herself reading and writing poetry. Curious as to why her subordinate would enjoy such activities, she made an effort to grow closer to her friends. Petra asked her where to begin, and her friend was all too eager to indulge her.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Empress of The Belisarian Dynasty
  • Cuinnan yn Brionas (Queen of Cuinnan)
Date of Birth
55th of Doristian Kalla(Summer Sun), 1112 No. Di.
Efabel, Ciannan
Current Residence
Orispar, Ciannan
Long, Ashen gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, Olive
77 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Begone Aelyra! I've enough of thy slanderous wordes"
— 1207 No. Di. after revoking the throne of Orison from Aelyra
Known Languages

Fringilus Eselan Aelian
Oisha Edelin Belisar(deceased)
Siblings(by order)
Ethelgard Oishalin Belisar (younger sister)
Rue Oishalin Belisar (younger sister)
Oisin Oishalan Belisar (younger brother)
Renalla Oishalin Belisar (Younger sister)


Empress Marilla Petralin Belisar (Grandmother / deceased)
Narsilla Eselin Aelian (Aunt)

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Cover image: The Belisarian Flag by Rat king


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