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Hailing from the distant, mountainous world of Kopria, whose seasons can last for years and whose volcanoes choke entire regions with sulfur gas, these insectoid creatures are perfectly adapted to life in harsh environments.   Standing upright between 6 and 7 feet tall, the hulking skathari only vaguely resemble humanoids. They have variations of limb configuration ranging from six limbs—four legs and two arms, to two , and ending in a quartet of small hooked claws, suitable for deterring predators or climbing sheer cliff faces.  

Skathari Names

A skathári has a single given name, usually passed down from a prominent ancestor. Throughout their lives, skathári also accumulate titles based on their deeds and accomplishments, which they append at the end of their names as honorifics.   Bmarsk, Drikt, Fraxas, Ruzkor, Skrath, Turur, Xast, Xebraks  

Skathari Traits

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size: Your size is Medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Skathari. Skathari is a choppy, syllabic language that uses many idioms and metaphors. This carries into other languages a skathari might speak; therefore, speaking to a skathari in any language is often a chore if one doesn’t know much about skathari culture.
Adaptive Metabolism: Your body can quickly adapt to a range of extreme environments. You take no damage from the extreme temperatures of space and other harsh environments, and you can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 10 times your Constitution modifier (minimum of 10 minutes). Additionally, you have advantage on ability checks and saving throws against inhaled poisons and gases.
Gliding Wings: You have a pair of membranous wings that you can use to glide clumsily through the air. While falling, you can move up to 10 feet horizontally for every 5 feet you fall, up to your movement speed. Additionally, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage taken as a result of falling.
Hooked Claws: Your digits end in short, hooked claws, which grant you a climbing speed of 20 feet. Additionally, you can choose for your unarmed strikes to deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
Regenerative: You regain all of your expended hit dice on a Long Rest. If any part of your body is amputated, but its amputation doesn't kill you, you can fully regrow that part of your body in 24 hours.
Skathari reach maturity around 15 years of age and live for up to 150 years.
Average Height
6' - 7' feet
Average Weight


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