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The Kihan is much like a normal dog however they stay small throughout their lives just like their intelligence, a Kihan is born intelligent and doesn't grow more intelligent no matter their age. Kihan are normally white and black with purple eyes but some have odd colors like brown and white or black and grey with many different eye colors. Kihan are very picky eaters so much so that if you don't give them food they like they will chew it up and store it in their cheeks and find the most inconvenient spot to puke it back up.    

Eating Habits

  Kihan are picky eaters so they have strict series of foods they will eat or you'll have problems, Kihan will only eat a few foods that are different for each Kihan however all Kihan will only drink sweet drinks and their favorite treats are sour foods no matter what Kihan it is. To figure out what food group a Kihan would like is to put certain different foods in front of it and whatever food it chooses is the group it likes, other ways to tell is to give it certain foods and see which ones it pukes up but that's not very conventional.  

Social Habits

Kihan are very social creatures and love being around other Kihan and when they find an animal they dont like they will curl their tail and lay it on their back and when they find an animal they like more then others they will point their tail straight up and start licking the creature. when a Kihan find an owner they build strong bonds with that owner so when they are left behind they're hearts are broken and most likely wont try to build new bonds.
Fun Fact: Kihan fur feels like petting cool clouds.
50 yrs
Average Height
0.7 meters
Average Weight
20 kg
Average Length
1 meter

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