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The Silver Palace

The Silver Palace. It was a grand palace with a giant spire projecting out of the center that look completely different from the rest of the city. Where as the houses and shops looked somewhere between a hole in the wall to a shit show, the Silver Palace was made from a glowing stone. The light that shone off of its walls touched the entire cave. It was only truly beautiful thing in Oberon’s underground world, even if on the inside superficiality of his race’s existence only grew in magnitude.

Purpose / Function

It is the main governmental and scientific building in the City of Gong-gong. It is also the main light source in the underground city. It was built for this and to be a watch tower for any enemy enemy armies coming to attack the city. There are many secret storage holds for weapons, portholds for archers, mages, and artillery, and many underground bunkers that could store years worth of food.


Though main point of The Silver Tower has stayed the same, there have been some additions and changes to it over time. When the Zhi Matriarchy took, they changed many of the barracks and war rooms of the upper levels into personal rooms for the nobility. The bottom floors were changed from food storages to prisons and R&D departments, where the Zhi figure out new ways to expand their already impressive influence over the Dynasties above them and how to destroy the Ratfolk infestation plaguing them to the east. There are some small businesses within the Silver Palace such as brothels, bars, gambling houses, and other such things to keep the lesser nobles entertained and distracted.


The stone used for the Silver Palace is very durable and gives a very bright glow. The stone was hard to work, but somehow the ancestors of Zhi were able to make it. The tower itself is many stories tall, nearly touching the top of the cave ceiling. The interior is made of a different kind of stone that does not glow, but can reinforce the outer shell of the tower. The tower is under constant renovation as the Matriarch sometimes gets bored with how dull some of the older parts of the tower are, so most of the tower looks nothing like it did before.


The Silver Palace was supposedly built when the ancient drow first found the cave. Though sources vary from how long it took, it is known by the time that the Old Noble Dynasties were established the construction had been complete. From that point on, the Old Dynasties used it to conquer and create tributary states of other smaller drow nations and surface tribes, until the Zhi rose up and completely reformed the government. When the Zhi Uprising happened, much of the building had been destroyed in the rebellion, but the outer portion of the tower stood firm and has stood firm a up to the present date.
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