God of Time: Ouros Character in Ash & Bone ~D&D 5e~ | World Anvil
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God of Time: Ouros

The Deity of Time and Death Ouros

Divine Domains

  School of Necromancy


The Watch of the Nalis Family

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An hourglass

Tenets of Faith

Live life to the fullest. Be patient and kind. Fight but do not hasten the journey needlessly.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ouros awaits at the end of all things, their intentions are always clear they do not need to hide or lie about their intentions or goals they simply wait to comfort the universe at the end of the struggle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From time immoral the God Ouros existed, sometimes seen as a deity other times as a concept of reality made tangible but always seen or known as Death. First considered the deity of death and later the domain of time as well, the rise and or history of the enigmatic figure is shrouded in mystery some simply accepting that as long as the universe existed so to did the deity Ouros.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient above all else, Ouros does not need to rush but simply wait with kind open arms for all things to end where it then can whisper its praises of the struggles of mortal life.
Divine Classification
High God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Order and Time
Keeper of Fates
Pale Mother
Quotes & Catchphrases
Well done, oh child of life, you were so very magnificent, you can rest now I shall keep you warm.

I know your name, I have always known it

Character Portrait image: Hel ~ Norse Gods and Goddesses by Yliade


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