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Kitsuen Menpō

The Kitsuen Menpō is an ancient device used on Kondai during the Clan Wars. It was meant to terrify one's enemies as they gazed upon the smoking visage of their impending death. As Kondai has seen a long period of peace, most of these masks have either fallen to poor upkeep or been lost to time, however some enthusiasts of battle have taken to using them, especially abroad.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This mask is both terrifying and a symbol of occupation, which grants a +2 circumstance bonus to intimidate, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy when speaking to samurai.

Though the usual use for the Kitsuen Menpō is to terrify one's opponents, it has a secondary use as well. The special hollows created in the mask allow for any Konshi wearing it to safely burn incense and gain their benefits during the heat of battle. The affects of these incense burned in this mask last for three minutes once ignited. In addition, any creature with the scent ability that attacks someone burning incense in their Kitsuen Menpō suffers 10% miss chance. Activating the mask is a swift action if the incense is pre-loaded, but the process of cleaning out and replacing incense takes two full-round actions.   Lesser Incense (50 gp each, 5 uses)
  • Tall Mountain: Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on all opposed bull rush, trip, and sunder attempts.
  • Wild River: Gain +1 dodge bonus to armor class.
  • Smiling Tree: Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on all acrobatics and athletics checks.
  Greater Incense (200 gp each, 5 uses)
  • Threshed Grain: Gain a +4 alchemical bonus on all saves.
  • Iron Scale: Gain DR 1/-
  • Spiraling Wind: Apply armor bonus to spells that target touch AC.
  Mythical Incense (800 gp each, 5 uses)
  • Oni's Bane: Gain a +4 alchemical bonus to strength.
  • Soaring Dragon: When charging, gain a +6 bonus on attack and damage rolls instead of the normal +2 bonus.
  • Orochi Venom: Gain immunity to poisons of any kind, all creatures within five feet of you must succeed a DC 17 fortitude save or be sickened.


Smoking Menpo
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Base Price
150 gp

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