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Mark of Hoarfrost

This faerie rune is one of incredible power, offering power and restoration once lost in exchange for a favor and the recipient's well being. This is, in many ways, a magical tattoo, often manifesting on the cheek or neck. It is a particular favorite of the Queen of Air and Darkness, who likes to offer power and ability to those who would do her dirty work. This particular rune is powerful enough that only powerful Unseelie Court nobles are able to bestow it and, as such, it is a rare rune to see. Unfortunately the person who has the mark placed upon them is in a constant state of pain as a reminder that they must complete the given task in order to be fully healed.  

Granted Ability

This rune restores the body in some way at the expense of one's overall health. The marked person is affected as by the regenerate spell for as long as the rune is in place, in addition they suffer a -2 to Constitution, all their weapons and natural attacks are treated as though they had the Icy Burst magical property.

Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magical Tattoo, chill metal, regenerate.

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