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These desert dwelling goblinoids are the terror of the sands. Orc raids are often preceded by a powerful haboob, which is speculated to be created by their shamanic caste in order to inspire fear and create a moment of weakness. Orc warriors fight with large scimitars, one in each hand, and have a peculiar fighting style reminiscent of a wild tornado. They stand around seven feet tall and are heavily muscled. They live far into the deserts and have a well fortified city-state of their own, which does not tolerate outsiders and which will send out horse riding executioners to meet anyone who journeys too close.


Major language groups and dialects

Orcs speak their own language and are also capable of speaking perfect common, though most speak in a very short, terse manner.

Culture and cultural heritage

It is suspected that women are closely guarded in orc society, as they are rarely seen. Almost all the raids are conducted by males and females have only been spotted in caravans traveling between small orcish settlements and their main hold.

Common Dress code

Common clothing includes rich fabrics, much like the Bazaarites.
Related Locations

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