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Tarnport is a city-state, magically hidden to the east of Altria. Founded on the idea that national interaction and exploration efforts only impeded the progress of innovation, powerful magic users and bright inventors devised a way to magically disguise a section of Ashaia from curious eyes. This section of the world, once a meager society of intellectuals, grew into the massive, spire-like city it is today. With its five layers, the Justiciary, Solarium, Basin, Bellows, and Trough (in descending order) the city houses a small nation's worth of people in varying states of well-being.



Tarnport's top level, the Justiciary, is a large bubble, at the top of the spire. This is where the Founders reign from, passing down judgement and machinations to Tarnport's Luminaries and legislators.  


The glass dome that adorns the spire. The Solarium freely lets in sun, so that all who live there may feel the sun. The individuals who live in the Solarium are freely given materials to experiment with and innovate, generally living in wealth and excess. Other than inventors and innovators, the Luminaries and legislators (law enforcement and lawmakers) also enjoy life on the Solarium. Travel to the Solarium is strictly prohibited, however, unless one has been granted access by the higher powers of Tarnport's legal system.  


The largest and most populated floor of Tarnport, also considered to be "ground level" of the spire. The Basin is the primary living space and small business district for the denizens of the spire. The Basin received its name due to being a constant water basin created by steam vents from the Bellows condensing on the ceiling of the Basin and raining down, keeping the city in a constant rainfall, that is collected, drained, and repeated endlessly.  


Smithies, craft wares, and specialty shops are all commonplace for the Bellows. The first of the below-ground levels, the Bellows is stiflingly hot due to all the smelting and forgework that goes on daily. In an attempt to vent off some of the excess heat and steam from the daily processes of the Bellows, massive vents were put into place, but all that did was lower temperatures slightly and create the never-ending rain the Basin experiences. Those who were not intelligent enough to be inventors or who struggle to make ends meet have an unlimited supply of work in the Bellows, enabling them to raise funds to craft their "marvel" or put food on the table. Unfortunately, the meager pay hardly justifies the dangerous and potentially debilitating work of the Bellows.  


While it goes by many names, like the gutter, the slums, or the despot, the Trough is the official name of the lowest "floor" of Tarnport. Unintended to be a living space for any creature, the Trough is a complex network of sewage pipes, vents, maintenance corridors, and the like. Unfortunately, not all walks of life are kind and many people still end up living in this forsaken area of the city. The poor, sick, unfit, and unseemly often find themselves living among the rabble and filth of the Trough. Black market trading and experimenting run rampant in the Trough and it is only by the intense policing of the Luminaries in the upper districts that many of the inventions do not make it to a higher level, though some have and great damage has been caused in the past, all the intense crackdown has caused is a deeper distrust of the government and more secretive experimentation.

Progress Points Forward

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Economic System
Barter system

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