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Kutotar Largash

Kutotar Largash

Kutotar is a paladin of Marlog, the god of the sea. She has sworn an oath of vengeance against the frost giants, especially Captain Gjalp, who were responsible for the death of Kutotar's mother, Captain Urog Largash, and her crew.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and hardy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My earliest memory is the salt air in my face as I suckled at my mother's bosom, the ship beneath us rocking with the waves, the sound our fellow pirates bustling around us preparing for an oncoming storm. It wasn't a particularly notable storm, from what I remember, but it was my first memory, and I'm proud to remember something so far back as my infancy. I admit to not being terribly smart, but my memory can be long.   I grew up on that pirate ship, helping out as best I could. Normally, children are not allowed aboard ships, but my mother, Urog Largash, was the Captain, and her orders were law. She mostly stuck to The Code, and instilled in me the wisdom that pirates who follow The Code are protected by Marlog, the god of the sea.   My mother and her crew, who I saw all of as my family, taught me everything I know about sailing a ship. My favorite place was the crow's nest, looking out far over the ocean, but I loved everywhere aboard The Natog Forg (The Jagged Arrow).   When I was thirteen, and old enough to have picked up the basics of why many members of the crew would disappear with landlubbers from taverns and brothels during time on shore, I once asked my mother why she never did so.   She pulled open her locket and showed me a small lock of hair within it. "This belongs to your father, my darling. He's a human man with great wealth of heart but no wealth of money, who makes his living mending the fishing nets in the Port of Macenti. He's the only one with whom I care to share my bed." I thought it was romantic and dreamed of meeting my father.   A year or so after that, my life changed forever. Our ship was attacked by an awful enemy. Battles we'd seen before, and plenty, but this was different, for an ice giant ship is many times the size of a normal sized vessel. "Captain Gjalp" was a name whispered in fear, and I'd heard stories of him ramming his ship straight though the middle of another, ripping it in two. He never took prisoners, and never left any alive.   I'm proud to say that I fought bravely, but, especially at fourteen, I didn't fight well. I caught a fierce blow to my head and blacked out during the battle. When I awoke, all I knew was pain and damp, for I was laying on a sinking ship. When I opened my eyes, I could see the bodies of my crewmates floating around me, and my mother's severed head. I must have lived only because I was blacked out on the deck and left for dead. I cried and cried, and then pulled myself together to try to salvage what food and potable water I could. I was lucky we went down within sight of land, and I can swim to anywhere I can see.   I managed to be rescued, and made my way through a couple of ports with two thoughts on my mind: first, I wanted to kill Captain Gjalp and all of his kind, and second, I wanted to find my father, poor, but all that was left of my family.   I wasn't strong enough to follow through with my first thought, not yet. But I did make my way to Macenti and found my father, Jacob Mender. He was pleased to see me, and saddened to hear of my mother's passing. He took me in and did his best to help care for me, even though, as a half-orc, I was never greeted kindly by many of the other shanty-people.   I stayed with him for a few years, working on the docks to earn a little extra. But my father's life, waking up early, going to work, coming home, doing chores, going to bed, was incredibly boring to me. My father understood that I had adventuring in my veins. I joined the Adventurer's Guild to start building my strength, even as I pledged myself to vengeance and swore myself to Marlog.   I'm a nice enough person most of the time, especially with a flagon of ale, but rage still courses through me like a stiff current when I think of frost giants, and Captain Gjalp in particular. I will be the one to end him one day, and take off his head as he did to my mother.

Gender Identity





I never went to school, but I was taught basic language (orc and common, thanks to the presence of a variety of races on the ship I was raised on). I may not be smart, but I know twenty seven different knots, The Pirate Code, and how to spot a rogue wave.


Paladin of Marlog, working for the Macenti Adventurer's Guild.

Mental Trauma

At fourteen, I saw my family - my mother and her pirate crew - killed by vicious frost giants. Everyone was dead around me, floating in the water. I watched my mother's severed head float down into Davy Jones' Locker. I only survived because the enemy crew thought me dead, as I was knocked unconscious early in the battle. I hate frost giants, and I wish to see them all dead.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wise enough, for nineteen, but not book-smart. I know enough to be able to read basic things, but don't know many large words. I can add and subtract on my fingers, but multiplication is hard, and I'm not sure what long division is.

Morality & Philosophy

I believe in following The Pirate Code. The only word more final than the word of the Captain, is the word of the Pirate King. Good and evil are relative terms, but The Code is what prevents all of us from descending into chaos.

Personality Characteristics


First and foremost, I am motivated by vengeance against the frost giants, especially Captain Gjalp. However, I know I'm not strong enough to fight them yet, so I'm also motivated by anything that can help me grow stronger. I have a strong sense of adventure. I'm loyal to The Code, The Pirate King, The Captain, and my friends, and would go far to protect those I care about. Being raised by pirates, I also have a fondness for treasure.

Likes & Dislikes

What I dislike most are frost giants and breaking with The Code. But I also don't like fancy food and drink, staying in one place too long, or sneaking around.   I do like meat and seafood, beer and rum, music, dancing, fighting, spending time with friends, liar's dice, being able to see far into the distance, and anything that reminds me of the sea.

Virtues & Personality perks

Friendly, loyal, fun, determined.

Vices & Personality flaws

Violent, temperamental, sometimes brash.


Bathes when available, but it's not, like a necessity.


Contacts & Relations

Jacob Mender, my father, lives in the shantytown portion of Macenti repairing fishing nets.

Religious Views

Follower and paladin of Marlog.

Violent, adventurer, former pirate, loyal friend, follower of The Code, paladin of Marlog, future murderer of frost giants.

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Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
30th of April, 1109
The Natog Forg (born at sea)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Orc and common.

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