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Session: 22 Adventures in Ashanor Report

General Summary

The party awake to quite the fanfare. They spend a day celebrating and participating in the christening of their ship. They get to eat with the king and be treated to a degree like royalty.   Kutotar made contacts with the heads of both the Shipwright and Cartographer guilds. Raphael does some information scouting.   The party goes on to pick up two jobs from the Adventurer's guild, one to deal with Ogres on the road toward Shademount and Mond-Tyr. The second to clear out a dragon reported just south of the Mond-Tyr intersection.   In traveling towards Shademount the party runs into a monk sitting by the road chanting the mantra, "“Time is but an illusion, however, that illusion is rapidly running out.”   Upon stirring him out of his trance he asks for directions to the nearest town as he is quite hungry and he heads on his way.   The party dispatch the ogres with ease but not before finding out they were working with a Hill giant. Dispensing with the ogres and hill giant . After camping and sleeping they pressed onward past the Tyr-Mond intersection and on to the dragon's cave. Stopping the session just outside.   The next session the party picked up moving through the caves inhabited by Kobolds. Mostly they seem to be mining something but not a lot of signs as to what. Upon arriving at the northernmost chamber they find a couple of red dragon wyrmlings and a large chamber over a pool of lava. Upon dispensing with the wyrmlings an adult red dragon climbs up out of the lava to attack them. The party manages to dispense with the creature rather quickly and sets upon gathering up all of the gold and items from across the chasm. The smell of sulfur pervading their senses the entire time.

Rewards Granted

Red Dragon Horde - 42000 gp, 33000 pp, Gems: 7 valued at 5000gp each, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Spell Scroll (7th) - Delayed Blast Fireball,   Big Items - Blood Fury Tattoo(Atwood), Cloak of Displacement(Raphael), Boots of Speed (Raphael), Staff of Frost (Garlord), Ring of Protection +2(Garlord), Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate(Kutotar), All purpose tool +3(Juniper), Daern’s Instant Fortress(Juniper/All).
Report Date
16 Jul 2022

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