The Standards of Dueling in Ashanor | World Anvil
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The Standards of Dueling

Generally Accepted Dueling Rules: (Some places enact duels in different ways.)

1. A duel must take place on Shore so as not to harm the ship or create problems amongst the crew.
2. The loser if alive must leave the crew of the ship with honor or be shot dead by the quartermaster.
3. Must be seen by a quartermaster of the ship the sailors belong to, or a local regent or judge. If there are none of these options available the duelists can agree on an officer other than the quartermaster to step in as judge. The Judge must attempt to remain impartial as they may be mutineed against if seen as showing favor to either side.
4. Dueling without permission will result in being marooned if the duelists are ship mates, or possibly imprisoned depending on location.
5. Dueling terms will be agreed upon by the duelists, (e.g. Whether magic is allowed, whether it's to the death, first blood, or knockdown, Whether an ante is allowed between the duelists.)
6. While dueling a duelist must make every attempt not to hurt anyone other than the individual they are dueling.

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