
The Elemental Offspring of Genies and Mortals

Those who think of other planes at all consider them remote, distant realms, but planar influence can be felt throughout the world. It sometimes manifests in beings who, through an accident of birth, carry the power of the planes in their blood. The genasi are one such people, the offspring of genies and mortals.
- Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
  The Genasi of Asharith come in many forms. Whilst not many of them exist throughout the lands, those who do roam them can take on forms representing many kinds of elements. There is no such thing as a simple "Genasi," as they are always connected to one or two elemental planes. Head of Special Research in the Libraria Opulae, Kyndrith Faelinckx, created the vendiagram now commonly used to name the different kinds of Genasi.   There are four main subspecies of Genasi: Air-, Water-, Earth- and Fire Genasi; and each of these has its own combination, offspring of a Mortal and a Genie with two different elemental Genies as their parent. These are the Lava-, Smoke-, Mud- and Mist Genasi. If two of these subspecies of Genie create another offspring which continues to mate with a Mortal, then you get a Third-Genasi. These are the closest to becoming a Pure Genasi, although no such being has been discovered as of yet. These Third-Genasi are categorised as Light-, Dark-, Order-, and Chaos Genasi.   Theoretically, a Pure Genasi is an elemental being, so refined, that it contains fragments of all elements in its body and soul. None such being has been discovered yet, and due to the increasing rarity of Genies of any kind, let alone Third-Genies, the existence of a Pure Genie or Genasi is very unlikely.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Genasi take on an outward appearance that reflects their respective element. For example, an earth Genasi might be made entirely of stone while a water Genasi is constantly damp to the touch, with arcane locks of flowing water.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Genasi themselves cannot reproduce and are only brought into being by the union of a Mortal and a Genie.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Genasi usually have names containing a word or a sound related to their element. Those who are raised by their genasi parents usually have respectable names, but those abandoned by their Genie parents often choose their own name, mocking this tradition. Some examples are:

  • Earth Genasi:

Earth, Dirt, Ground, Grass, Leaf, Rock, Gem, Ruby, Sapphire, etc.

Which produces names like:

Earthid, Erdirthe, Ferground, Grasston, Fernleaf, Brock, Ruby, Saph, etc.

  • Air Genasi:
Air, Sky, Wind, Breeze, Cloud, Soar, Fly , etc.

Which produces names like:
Airon, Skaye, Windgrid, Breezer, Cloude, Soaralie, Fliyana, etc.

  • Water Genasi:
Water, Wave, Sea, Lake, Stream, River, Flow, etc.

Which produces names like:
Walter, Wavid, Sealie, Blake, Stremalia, Rivertha, Flowrian, etc.

  • Fire Genasi:
Fire, Flame, Heat, Burn, Hot, Sear, Smoke, Magma, etc.

Which produces names like:
Firanda, Flameos, Heathrow, Burnard, Borhot, Searille, Smokestre, Magmanimus, etc.

These names can be either first or last names, as Genies do not carry traditional last names and many Genasi are forced to choose their own names since many are abandoned after their birth.

Major Organizations

There is no centralised Genasi society and there are not enough of them remaining on the face of Asharith to form one if they could. The Genasi can be found scattered all throughout Asharith and are treated as any other sentient race is, though they are rarely allowed to hold positions of power. Most organisations with a Genasi at its head are either criminal in nature, or not noteworthy enough to be looked at by people of high status.

The only Genasi group large enough to have been noticed by anyone is the Pilgrims of Thalprin. Which has a little over 200 members.

Common Myths and Legends

There are Genasi who believe that one day, a Genasi will take them to their promised land. A place called the Emthal Princis or Thalprin for short. This is said to be a land made of pure elemental essence, where the Genasi can reach their full potential by becoming one with the elements. The person who would lead them to this place is known as the Thalprin Ahathrin, which translates roughly into The High One of Thalprin. The Ahathrin, who is said to be a Pure Genasi, has not been revealed, however, and many believe they are nothing but a myth, designed to keep the Genasi from abandoning all hope of finding purpouse.

The Genasi Vendiagram by Kyndrith Faelinx
ca. 120 years
Average Height


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