As far as is known to the world, the voidtouched are those who have been chosen by Void to carry some of its power.
Whilst Void is seen as part of the Deific Infra, these powers have been used for good in the past. Voids alignments have always been cause for speculation, though its connections to the abberrations that can be found on Asharith have caused theologians to place it near the lower end of the Adamant.
The most prolific voidtouched alive today is a drow man by the name of Phoenix DeTrafford-Brandwreath, who was also the first recorded voidtouched in history. Following his discovery and his actions on the Day of Scales and Shadow, many more voidtouched have appeared on the surface of Asharith without any seeming explanation.
Being voidtouched also seems to be genetic. Multiple members of the DeTrafford-Brandwreath bloodline had the signature blue eyes of the void, though none up until Phoenix were able to tap into this potential. It is possible Void chooses an entire bloodline to give his power, or it is possible it knows which member of this bloodline might use his gifts in the future, bestowing it onto them from an early point for unknown reasons.
Voidtouched are able to draw power from the multiverse at seemingly random intervals. This occurs mostly in mages but there have been recorded cases of certain martial fighters being voidtouched as well. This causes any magic cast to have the potential to be changed into something else, cast by another version of the caster in another version of this world.
Recent cases of the voidtouched have also had the ability to see slightly into the future. These predictions aren't fully accurate, however, as they are simply able to perceive multiple permutations of future events based on how they played out in other worlds.
Further study of the voidtouched has been made possible by the combined efforts of Mordenkainen and Phoenix DeTrafford-Brandwreath, as they have established a department within the the Opal Academy to teach and research the voidtouched.
After the establishment of the "Wild Mage" and "Wild Blade" divisions, the academy saw a large spike in voidtouched attendees, people who had been living with this condition in secret up until Phoenix
Up until this point there has not been a way found for an individual to stop being voidtouched. It seems to be something they are born with, something that is more an intrinsic part of their being than any other kind of congenital condition.
With the new "wild" divisions within the Opal Academy, many people who once thought they had to their abilities are becoming more proud of them, learning that they are not a danger but a gift. Something to be proud of.