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Jonas Morris

Innkeeper of The Voyager .   Dressed impeccably in a crisp white shirt, a neatly tailored waistcoat, and dark trousers, Jonas embodies elegance and refinement. His clothes are immaculately clean, suggesting a man who values precision and attention to detail. At first glance, one might think Jonas is a statue rather than a living person.   As you enter the inn's cosy common area, there he sits, perched upon a plush armchair, his lean figure positioned so elegantly that it seems he hasn't moved in ages. His posture exudes an aura of languid repose, as if time moves differently for him, and he has all the time in the world. Upon your entrance, his steel-grey eyes, hinting at depths of knowledge, flicker with mild curiosity, but his body remains utterly still. The faintest hint of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, suggesting a subtle amusement at the world's mundane affairs. His face bears a mask of ultimate boredom, though not a single trace of impatience or annoyance can be seen.   Instead, it's as if he has transcended the ordinary rhythms of life, finding solace in the mundane. Jonas' dark brown hair is neatly combed, not a strand out of place, further accentuating his composed appearance. A well-groomed beard frames his face, adding a touch of sophistication to his countenance. His hands rest gracefully on his lap, betraying the years of experience and wisdom they have accumulated.   High on the wall behind the counter you see a tableau with a number. It reads 0023481. On the counter, you see a large ornate bowl with a label carved on it: “Tip Jar”. This bowl is so nice you almost want to put something precious in it. When he speaks, you hear a voice that radiates soul-shattering boredom and lack of enthusiasm: “Greetings, travellers. Welcome to The Voyager. My name is Jonas. How may I help you?”. It sounded like he repeated this line a millionth time.
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