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Session 22: Krod's Diary - THe Mayor and the Priestess

General Summary

...Resting in an actual bed after months in the wild is such a welcome gift. I see that Killian has a certain spring in his step. After a hearty breakfast too we're ready to start a new day rested and refreshed.   Note- I shall leave Matilda within the grounds of the inn. I see no need to have her with us within a town such as this. Defense and resource harvesting is useful when in the wild. However some jobs we've seen on the notice board could definitely benefit from her skills so to speak. I will check back on her at the end of the day for another batch of repairs.   [Krod attunes to the helm of telepathy and the wand of animate dead]   We all decide to go straight to the mayor to report in, as we feel we don't want to step on any toes if it isn't our place to claim our inherited deed to the Thunderfall Hidaway.   The house or mansion i should say is a beautiful large minimalist solid structure, the doors are quite clearly made of the wood from the infernal forest. Note- Surveying the town I can see that a majority of the buildings seem to use the Ironwood, greatly beneficial if the town was to ever come under siege.   Mayor Thomlin  actually answers the door. Strange considering his position ? The man looks to be in his 70's and immensely tired almost as if not fully aware of his own actions... We firstly apologize for the early disturbance as Ximena did inform us that he was travelling. Killian reals off our exploits with his natural embellishment and I explain how we were blessed with the deeds. His response concerns me, he doesn't seem to be all there. I am fully aware of how old age can effect the mind but this man is supposed to be running the town.   While Killian and our new companion Lairion speak with the old man he mentions a Priestess of a holy order by the name of Jalena. Trust is in short supply and i want to know if there is any other influence at work...[Krod uses the the helm of telepathy to read the surface thoughts of Mayor Thomlin]     It's a mess in there. Images and flashes in no decernable order would suggest that the man is inflicted by dementia. This priestess still intrigues me though. I'm going the probe further...   [Krod casts the detect thoughts spell through the helm of telepathy to read the thoughts of Mayor Thomlin]   I don't feel any malicious influence, again everything is jumbled. The priestess comes into the mans thoughts a lot more, I think we should pay her a visit...   Ah ! My companions are finished with him. I let them know what I've found and we decide a trip to the church is in order. Killian also wants to increase our reputation within Rel by fulfilling some of these jobs and the church wants a crypt clearing out.   On our way to the church we look for this missing cat called mittens, another one of the notices that we're looking into. I decide it's a good idea to stock up on resources if we are to continue in our en devours especially our new companion Lairion. Killian and I have no idea of his skill set or capabilities. The experiences we've had on this journey leave no place for the ill-prepared.   The Silverpine Outfitters  seems like a good start. The owner appears to be a Half-Orc... What the !? Ah yes of course... Killians emotional scars appears to have got the better of him. I am grateful he just walked out, experiences like that can make us do unpredictable and regrettable things.   There are a couple of interesting items that I'll inquire about...   [Krod trades his scale mail for an Enchanted Compass that allows the user to never lose their way]   Note- The enchanted compass doesn't sound like the most useful tool in the world but the moment we become lost its magical properties will be invaluable. There is also a magical lantern that never runs out of oil that also intrigues me. It has 3 magical enchantments that can be bought along side the lantern.   Eternal Flame (Standard)
  • The lantern’s light never dims, and it doesn’t require refueling or replacement of oil. Perfect for long journeys or exploration in dark places.
Language Illumination (Upgrade)
  • Upgrade When activated, the lantern reveals hidden messages or symbols written in ancient languages. Great for deciphering cryptic inscriptions.
Timekeeper’s Glow (Upgrade)
  • The lantern’s light changes color based on the time of day. Blue for dawn, golden for noon, and crimson for dusk. Helps you keep track of time.
We do not have the enough to purchase the item as of yet but I would like to procure it in the future and study it. Possibly replicate its magical effects somehow. This is also an ample time to see if I can advance my own research and training but Gromash the owner seems like the stubborn sort he's more afraid of me becoming a competitor. I can see his argument but it is a short sighted and quite frankly stupid notion.   Even though Killian did the right thing walking out instead of reacting. Lairion and I talk him out of his greivences. You cannot judge an entire race on the actions of a select few or clan. My master is a Duregar and even friend Dolen is Drow, both races known to the world as troublesome...   We find another store on the way called the Thunderfall Cascade General Store. Its unknown what sort of resources we can aquire here but its worth getting to know folks and how the town works, so to speak. The fresh bread smell is certainly enticing and I can see why the locals like this place. The owner of the store is a human man by the name of Eldric Ironwood  who informs us that he used to be an adventurer. The store I regret will not provide us much in the way of resources besides sustenance, I don't deny that the herbs have extraordinarily fresh quality to them.   A section of the store is curtained off and after enquiring with Eldric he introduces us to his spouse Elowen Ironwood. A beautiful Half-Elf woman who looks after the Curiosities and Oddities.   By the Gods ! Such beautiful and fascinating items...   Note- Lairion purchases holy instruments and ingredients i assume for his rituals. I trade the dog mask of many colors for the Phoenix feather quill and the Luck infused dice, again like the compass these items will be invaluable when the circumstance arises. Killian buys the mysterious magical ring and gives it to me ? This actually leaves me at a loss for words. I am grateful as i look forward to unlocking what possible secrets it holds. As a thank you I purchase the miniature Griffin stature. He may not see the benefit of this seemingly mundane item until hes riding a full size Griffin into battle.   The Church of the Veil  (Celestial Weavers) is an impressive monument to their worship, not a widespread religion but a strong one. Killian leads the way in and after a minute admiring its vast structure we are met with the most beguiling visage of a young human women with dark hair and alabaster skin. She almost looks too beautiful to belong here... I don't feel comfortable here... Oh for the love of Gods ! Killian is naturally tripping over his own tongue. Lairion is difficult read, I knows hes a religious man but he guards himself well.   While Killian attempts his charm offensive by regaling her of our exploits, intentions of employment and fears about Mayor Thomlin. I want to see if this women is a being of genuine intent or hiding something.   [Krod uses the helm of telepathy to read the surface thoughts of Priestess Jalena]   What the !?... She is powerful indeed. Despite my reservations I can't help but respect her abilities I apologize and merely express my concerns for the old man... Ah ! Killian has finished being a fool so I think its safe to assume we have a contract of employment with the Order of Celestial Weavers clearing out a crypt.   En route, we decide to probe deeper into the magic items we've acquired... Mmmm ? This is interesting ? I cant read the magical ring. I wonder if...   [Krod puts on the unknown magical ring and from his perspective his vision goes completely black and a dim light in the distance of his vision illuminates the silhouette of a powerful androgynous being beckoning him. From the perspective of Killian and Lairion Krod eyes white out and starts to age rapidly. Killian rips the ring off Krods finger and saves him from death. Krod as an outcome has aged permanently and the experience has made him become exhausted]   Ugh ! What on this earth just happened to me. I'm so drained. Typical I suppose, when one meddles in things they don't understand but sometimes the practical approach is the one that yields the best results... Note- This magical ring has a dormant power within it too powerful to be left in the wrong hands for the time being, being its keeper will have to suffice.   The smell of death reeks from the entrance to the crypt. My condition is not ideal for this engagement but I trust my companions to take care of the holy matters of vanquishing possible undead zombies and spirits after all they are both holy men...   [Killian and Lairion engage the zombies in physical combat. Killian close quarters with jis sword and shield and Lairion from ranged with his bow]   [Krod engages with his lightning launches from range, followed by 2nd level spell web to trap the zombies and then set those that are trapped alight with a critical hit from the firebolt cantrip]   ...I'm lucky that this encounter was within our control, in the past its not always worked out for us. I wonder whats going on down here ?...
Report Date
15 Jul 2024


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