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Session 23: Krod's Diary - Traps. Physical and Mental

General Summary

The main hall so to speak is clear of undead. ... Upon further investigation this crypt is more vast than we realized, which means our work is far from over. According to our new companions shadowed raven/crow there appears to be 5 more areas to investigate. Killian heads directly to the south as there is some murmurs of noise coming from behind it ? I'm happy that Killians faith in me is not lost despite my weariness and its good to see he's taking more sensible precautions before charging into a situation without proper preparation... Ugh ! I feel terrible, my investigation of the door bares nothing fruitful. I want to say its safe but I know as well as the other two there are no guarantees. I'm going to stay back for this... [Krod does not pass the DC for the investigation check to detect any traps and Killian triggers a pressure plate that launches him into the ceiling dealing an excessive amount of damage] ... GOD'S ! DAMN IT ALL !!!... You'd think clearing out a small crypt would be amateur, compared to surviving a ongoing conflict against hordes of undead on a daily basis !?... Clearly not... Mummies. At a guess I'd say the individuals buried here are either from another part of Ashein, nobles or dignitaries of some kind. Not many believe in the process or beliefs of mummification in this part of the world. Note- I shall ask Priestess Jalena what the views of the Order of Celestial Weavers are on this subject. It could bare more insight into future dealings ? Killian and Lairion quickly dispose of the mummies, and clear the area. A crypt sometimes house possessions of the departed buried and this one is no exception. Its ethically wrong and I know that my companions, the holey than thou god bothering brothers will not jepordise their morals. Nor do i expect them to, they are a good sort but someone is going to have to make the choices that no one else want to make otherwise we'll never make any progress. Note-Contents of the southern room: -2 assorted art objects worth 25gp each -A copper chalice with silver filigree -A pair of engraved bone dice ... After looking at the injuries that Killian sustained just trying to open a blasted door I'm worried about the next one. Mmmm ? Ah ! That's it ! The Wand of Animate Dead that I acquired from Rotbranches remains. I can animate the remains and get them to activate any traps that remain and with multiple charges I could cover almost every door in the crypt... ...What ! ...Oh no wait a moment ! ...Lairion Stop ! ...Please Stop ! ...You Imbecile will you just Bloody Stop and listen to me !!! Note-There's no doubt that Lairion is more zealous in the practice of his faith than Dolen ever was. He will not budge from what he's been told to think and what he thinks he knows about the world. People that think and act like this are dangerous. They will not hesitate to sacrifice you or others for what they think in their eyes is the greater good or even if they feel their deity/religion calls for it... In my younger years I've seen the prosecution of innocents by those who think they are superior or serve a higher calling... It's all the same Bah ! [Lairion destroys the remains of the mummies using the Sacred Flame cantrip. Krod can only use the wand to summon one animated corpse from what remains] ...From what remains I will be able to conjure up just one animated corpse to provide us a buffer for this crypts traps. After a ridicules amount of convincing the Elf finally concedes, the look on his face is that of discomfort and single mindedness but he will see. The southwestern door the next area to clear out, I send the animated corpse forward through the door... Ah ! No traps, excellent. It's funny that he sends his bird in after i come up with the ingenious idea of using remains of those already past to protect our living lives... Anyway, Lairion claims the room is empty. I'm going in ! I'm getting tired ! Note-I don't deny this familiar that Lairion conjures has the benefit of scouting and surveying an area. However on the flip side he can use this facsimile to spy on folk, that includes us and that worries me more. Contents of the southwestern room: 20gp and 5sp The northwestern room directly opposite lies open. I advance the animated corpse forward to trigger any traps that maybe there... Nothing. Good, Wow this is interesting. A chest rests in the center of the chamber and surrounding it are 6 pillars, each linked and wrapped with a chain of some kind. After consulting my companions we are all in agreement that clearing the place out first would be the best course of action, we don't have to worry about being ambushed then. Note-The southeastern door leads through to the southern room where we encountered the mummies and have already cleared. The northeastern room is the last area to thoroughly investigate. Again my plan of sending the animated corpse is coming up trumps again... If we had multiple we could've cleared this place out by now... After having a good search round there appears to be no danger, but I've been wrong before. The room is long and at the end is a table piled up with assorted trinkets. Killian moves in with me to cover my back... What was that !... Blast it ! Another bloody trap ! Ugh !... Well at least I fulfilled my promise to our new companion, the animated corpse is gone. Note-Lairion again scorns me for my actions for taking the valuables. I tell him "how do you think we survived this long" and the fact that Dolen also took his share when it come up too shocked him to the core. Betrayal of those you're trying to help, being brought back from the brink of death and months of conflict against the dregs of death changes folk. He'll learn. I hadn't realized that Killian had used his bag of tricks to summon a Dire Wolf, another body in our party is always welcome. Contents of the northeastern room: A total of 115 gp worth of coins, art objects and gems 10 gp gemstones. 4 worth 40 gp total Eye agate (translucent circles of gray, white brown, blue, or green) Banded agate (translucent striped brown, blue, white, or red) Hematite (opaque gray-black) Blue quartz (transparent pale blue) 25 gp art objects. 3 worth 75 gp Pair of engraved bone dice Gold locket with a painted portrait inside Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread ...We head back to the room with the pillars in. We discover series of markings worked into the stone. They clearly form a sequence of some kind, the result of which should open the chest in the center and any possible magical and mechanical protections guarding it... Pulling the chains seems to change the face of the pillars and the marking depicted, pulling the chains linked to the pillar in question multiple times changes the marking around again... Ah ! So pulling each these chains a number of time creates the sequence required. The question is "What is the sequence" ? Hahaha ! Sometimes having a narcissistic muscle head for a friend has its benefits. Killian strikes the chains with his sword and it appears our confusing almost impossible problem has been solved. Note-Contents of the chest in the northwestern room: A total of 95 gp worth of coins, art objects, and gems Moonstone 50 gp gemstone (translucent white with pale blue glow) Malachite (opaque striated light and dark green) and Obsidian (opaque black) 10 gp each 25 gp art object Gold locket with a painted portrait inside Figurine of raven Unknown emblem When we reach a safe spot out of the way of prying eyes. I shall investigate these items further. Ahh ! More undead ! Its time to finish this !!!
Report Date
31 Jul 2024


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