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Welcome to Ashein

Return to Blasingdell


Fifteen years ago, on a night cloaked in mystery and shadow, an event unfolded that would forever cast a haunting shroud over the Crystal Fountain Orphanage.

This establishment, once a place of refuge and hope for the young souls without families, became the epicentre of an enigmatic and chilling occurrence that left an indelible mark on the community.   The night began like any other, with a clear sky adorned by twinkling stars and a serene full moon casting its silvery glow. Inside the ornate yet foreboding walls of the orphanage, the children had settled into their beds, their dreams dancing on the edges of sleep. The air was charged with an almost tangible tension as if the universe itself held its breath in anticipation.   As the clock's hands inched toward midnight, an inexplicable chill swept through the corridors, causing the candle flames to flicker and dance erratically. The atmosphere grew thick with an uncanny silence, save for the distant rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of an owl. And then, at the stroke of twelve, a soft, otherworldly melody seemed to drift through the corridors, captivating the sleeping children and lulling them into a deep slumber.   It was under this surreal symphony that the first signs of the inexplicable occurred. Caretakers and staff, who should have been vigilant in their rounds, found themselves inexplicably entranced by the haunting melody, unable to resist its pull. It was as if the night itself had cast a spell over the adults, leaving them incapacitated to act.   In this eerie stillness, a portal of sorts appeared in the heart of the orphanage. A faint, ethereal light cast long shadows on the walls as it beckoned the slumbering children from their beds. One by one, their figures arose, almost as if guided by an invisible hand. The children moved with a strange, trance-like grace, their eyes unseeing and yet seemingly focused on an unseen horizon.   The mysterious procession of children congregated in a central chamber, where the flickering light revealed an ancient, intricately carved fountain. The Crystal Fountain, long considered a symbol of hope and unity, now held an ominous allure. As the children encircled the fountain, the melody intensified, its haunting notes weaving through the air like a siren's call.   And then, in a heartbeat, the music ceased, and the children vanished. Their forms seemed to dissolve into the very essence of the night, leaving only an echoing emptiness in their wake. The staff, shaken from their trance, rushed to the chamber only to find it empty, the fountain's waters still and undisturbed.   In the aftermath of that mysterious night, the Crystal Fountain Orphanage stood as a testament to the unexplainable. The disappearance of those 33 children remained an unsolved enigma, a tale whispered in hushed tones by the community. Some believed the children had been spirited away to another realm, while others speculated darker forces at play.   Rumours grew that a few of the children had survived but were scattered across the Kingdom of Ashein and that one day they’d return to right the wrongs of that dreadful night.

Truths of Ashein

  • The Kingdom of Ashein is a small province, bordered by the impassible Angry Mountains to the north, the Wild Expanse to the south, the Infernal Forest to the east and the Unending Sea to the west.
  • Queen Catharina Orbiana, a name that resonates with authority and a sense of moral rule, holds the throne of the Kingdom of Ashein with an iron will and a reputation for both strictness and fairness.
  • Just south of the Angry Mountains, Blasingdell village is nestled in a quiet valley, surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests.
  • The Crownsguard Watch is a prominent local peacekeeping force operating within the Kingdom of Ashein. Established centuries ago by royal decree, the Crownsguard is tasked with maintaining law and order throughout the kingdom's cities, towns, and rural areas. Their primary mission is to protect the safety and well-being of the kingdom's citizens and visitors, as well as safeguard valuable assets and resources within Ashein's borders.
  • On the outskirts of the village lies a ruined orphanage, a dilapidated building that's said to be haunted by the ghosts of the orphans who perished there long ago. Many villagers avoid the orphanage altogether, but some brave souls venture inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ghosts.

The Heroes We Have

  Prior to 15 years ago, your memories were a blur. Haunted by nightmares of flashing bright lights, sounds of children screaming and an unthinkable feeling of dread. Your lives began solitary, stranded in places you did not know. All different, the experiences and lives you have lived have brought you to who you are today. As a character, you do not remember the orphanage, the events of that night, Blasingdell or even each other. The characters have received mysterious letters, finding their way to you wherever you were. In scrawled writing, they instructed you to come to Blasingdell, with the promise of truth, riches and justice. There was no sender name given, but contained within each envelope was a single gold coin. Queen Catharina’s likeness is embossed on one side, like a standard coin of the realm, but on the opposite a crudely engraved image of a fountain.   It is this roughly scratched image that has awoken something inside you. An insatiable need for the truth, and that truth appears to be in Blasingdell.

You Begin in Blasingdell

  Located just south of the Angry Mountains and in the northern region of Ashein, Blasingdell village is nestled in a quiet valley. Surrounded by rolling hills and dense forests, the air is crisp and clean, and the villagers are happy and welcoming. The village has a rich history, and the locals are proud of their heritage.   The village square is the heart of Blasingdell, and it is always bustling with activity. The square is lined with quaint shops and bustling stalls, selling everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods. The locals are friendly and always willing to engage in conversation, making visitors feel welcome.   At the centre of the square stands The Windy Goat Tavern, the most popular spot in town. The tavern is always busy, with travellers and locals gathering to share a meal and a drink. The tavern's walls are adorned with hunting trophies and other curiosities, and the atmosphere is lively and jovial.   The village blacksmith, Clink’n’Clank is another popular spot, known for its exceptional craftsmanship. The blacksmith's shop is filled with the ringing of hammers and the hiss of the forge.   The Trusty Feather General Store is another must-visit spot. The store is well-stocked with everything a traveller might need, from basic supplies like rope and rations to weapons and armour. Wude, the storekeeper, is always happy to help customers find what they're looking for, and the prices are fair.   But there's more to Blasingdell than just the hustle and bustle of everyday life, as you’ll soon discover.


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