Sat, Sep 10th 2022 04:20   Edited on Sun, Sep 18th 2022 01:29

Let's talk characters

Hey guys, this area is for talking about your characters. Have at it.
Minor Pyro with low levels of curiosity. Professional training in computer, communications, security, and hacking. Above average runner, trained urban survivalist. Magically equipped to enable his pyromania. Slight ability to heal. Can sense power sources and even drain them to re-energize himself.

Sat, Sep 10th 2022 05:34   Edited on Sat, Sep 10th 2022 05:34
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 12:32   Edited on Sat, Sep 10th 2022 12:38

Is she a mechanic? Or is she a thief? Hard to tell. She can repair a lot of things and drive most of them, knows her way around security systems, and is pretty nimble. Not a weapons person, but can defend herself in a pinch. She's about 5'3", gymnast build, and her blue, teal and purple bushy hair is undercut all the way around with the top braided in intertwisted braids.
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 12:33

As you all know, Granny Assassin specializing in poisons. Basically all IQ type skills. I'm thinking personality wise the team Mom or Grandma. I am a concerned with how she'll fit in skill wise. I don't see her as being able to "dungeon crawl". I think she could do some basic re-con especially if scoping out a building or city area -- who cares about an old lady sitting on a park bench feeding the pigeons. Or she might be able to cause a distraction.   I'm now wondering if I should make her a full assassin but retired from the physical aspects due to age. I was planning on giving her the disads of slightly hard of hearing and poorish eyesight -- still need to chat with Rob about age and that stuff. So she might have the skills to sniper or fight but no longer has the physicality.   I'm open to peoples thoughts and ideas.
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 12:41

Think less dungeon crawl and more heist. Remember Richard Chamberlain's character in Leverage? Archie had mobility issues, but he was still a dextrous MF and smart. her physical skills could be from her past, and just don't put any extra points in them to show they've atrophied.
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 03:26

I'm still working out a lot of the aspects for my character. She's predominantly ***FACE*** But I plan on getting her some first aid and magic or psion in the supportive categories.. She's very free spirit, coming across a little bit of the hippie chick vibe in her normal being but is able to act the part along with her impeccable sense of fashion going from CEO to Flight Attendant and everything in between. I see her as the kind able to scam and finesse a businessman out of millions of dollars, and she'll use those funds to start a homeless shelter, drug rehab and animal rescue before catching the next train to another city with nothing left in her pocket.
Character idea 1: Hire-a-technomancer: indebted repair person. Got a job after trade school fixing household items to pay the bills. Maybe is the fix-it person for an apartment complex. An IBEW member. Wants a better gig to get out from under this debt. Mechanical skills, magery 1, long term plans for advanced degree (more levels of magery). Maybe? Haven't worked this level of detail out in GCA with the spell tree yet. Another concept is that she has all her credentials but the economy was garbage and this was the best she could do. ATM I like the idea of her being a bit limited and focused more on the mechanical side than the magic. That could be because I've never played a MU. Ever. Personality: Kinda serious. More rough-and-tumble than the others. Driven.

Sat, Sep 10th 2022 05:54   Edited on Sat, Sep 10th 2022 06:44
Character idea two: Technomancher hack. Magic college drop-out, studied only what was of interest therefore has gaps in knowledge. Button-pushing curious, can't let go of a fascinating thing until it is understood style impulsive. Has a 50-50% chance to believe a conspiracy theory quirk (evens rolled on a D6). No sense of history or the world beyond UWS because boring and not part of her immediate existence. Does not want to waste her talents on repair work. I should probably give her overconfidence. I could play this character's personality a bunch of ways to fit into the group. ATM I picture her a bit clueless, wants to do something with her life that has a meaningful impact, and something of a social butterfly. That can be adjusted.

Sat, Sep 10th 2022 06:17   Edited on Sat, Sep 10th 2022 06:42
Character idea III: An occultist of some flavor. This one would be a steampunk flavored character. Probably a MU in the gate college. Or I'll possibly use psi. There's a lot of directions to take this. Someone who wants to explore or studies dimensions, a medium, a demon chaser who maybe got kicked out of one of the religious orders. Or a straight up MU of the gate college out in the world trying to figure out what to do with what she knows. Like a recently graduated english major. I'll likely give this some kind of combat skill. There's some scary shit lurking in the beyond. Personality-wise: She's a bit jumpy and sees monsters in every shadow. She's superstitious at least as a quirk, preferably a 5 point disad if it exists and worries that the people she cares about don't knock on wood etc. She pays tribute to all the gods because they all exist and all fuck around with the world She's a bit serious and not entirely happy with everything she has learned about what exists beyond this world which it blissfully ignores. Should she join everyone one else and get a job with TropicalRiver, or dedicate herself to protecting it?

Sat, Sep 10th 2022 06:38
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 09:06

@steph, that was kind of what I was thinking....   BTW I love everyone's concepts so far.
Sat, Sep 10th 2022 11:41

As I said (probably at length - apologies) before, I'm basically leaning into the tank. Big, dumb, and kind. Not *actually* dumb, but rather average. They focus on natural world things - think chronic park ranger, so cartography, survival, stealth, traps. They live by a code of honor, that the stronger must always protect the weaker and when violence cannot be avoided, the situation should be shut down as quickly as possible while minimizing harm. Gods help those who make it clear that they must be put down to minimize harm. Primary weapon is a staff/walking stick, but they are trained in some basics in firearms. And, for fun, they like to tinker with clockworks and small, simple engines. No, they aren't very good at some of them yet.
Sun, Sep 11th 2022 12:46

I believe my char is done except for choosing a name -- I'm terrible with names - though perhaps I won't need one. Though I'm assuming for the most part she'll go by Granny. I took First Aid, Chemistry, Botany, Herbry, Cooking, Brewing and Gardening -- basically anything that I thought could relate to making or Identifying poisons. She has skills in guns but physically cannot really use them well anymore, slightly hard of hearing and wears glasses. I
Sun, Sep 11th 2022 03:00

What races are people thinking? I know Rob says it didn't matter other than RP but I'm curious. I think Granny will be human.
Sun, Sep 11th 2022 08:08

Completed (mostly) PC creation. Tengu Orc. Straight up modern soldier - no paranormal elements (magic, psi etc.). Skills: guns, demolitions, tactics, stealth, armory, leadership and TEACHING. I can act as 'teacher' for skill learning / improvement for anything I know better than you. Instruction begins daily at 5am. ON THE READY LINE, MAGGOTS!!!!!!
Mon, Sep 12th 2022 03:31

Smiles sweetly and places a flower into Jeff's character's gun. "Peace"
Mon, Sep 12th 2022 03:43

@Tracy I saw that there's Poisons skill as well as Pharmacy skill that might be useful
Mon, Sep 12th 2022 01:28

I took poison too.
Mon, Sep 12th 2022 02:05

@Jeff, "here dear have a cookie."
Mon, Sep 12th 2022 07:35   Edited on Tue, Sep 13th 2022 03:07

*Takes flower out of gun barrel and puts in on tactical vest like a boutonnière*   *Takes offered cookie* "Thank you ma'am"   Thinks to self, "Hope this came out the right cookie jar"   *shrugs and eats cookie*
Tue, Sep 13th 2022 03:25

@Tracy My steampunk-occultist MU and techno-fix-anything ideas are human. The tehcnohack is an elf. Spent summers at traditional elf woodland summer camp learning archery, tracking, watching LOTR and all the usual stuff.
Tue, Sep 13th 2022 04:14

It turns out that all three character ideas build out well, are playable and interesting. I won't cry if one dies. But I gotta pick one to start with. ---- IDEA 1. A techno-fix-anything. She's from a long line of trades-people back to the shadow wars and can fix or backwards engineer pretty much anything. First generation MU, takes her trade to the next level with magic. In debt from the aforementioned MU schooling. Workaholic. Has learned to evacuate the job site upon sight of large spiders, rather than using Ignite spells. ----- IDEA 2. A technohack elf who has a more traditional technomancer spell-set, with some holes. Dropped out of MU University which was restrictive with its "spell colleges" and "prererequisites". Has a penchant for breaking stuff and "what would happen if." It hasn't occurred to her to put the stuff back together. Somewhat clueless, likely to believe conspiracy theories. She has no patrons for her poetry so currently tends bar but might quit. Maybe she'll be a camp counselor this summer. ----- IDEA 3. Arkham Horror meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A recent graduate of MU University, knows a whole lot of stuff, steampunk type, highly superstitious. Has trained to protect the world from monstrosities from other planes of existence that are largely disregarded by the governments and many organized religions of the world. And she has no idea if she has the chops for it. (TBH she just wanted to wear fancy dresses and hold seances)
Tue, Sep 13th 2022 11:21

I like all those ideas.
Tue, Sep 13th 2022 11:05

I realized I could turn off all the Play by Post tools, so they should not be cluttering up your boards now.
Wed, Sep 14th 2022 12:40

Can't decide if I'm going to play a human or a dwarf.
Wed, Sep 14th 2022 01:31

I was thinking of playing a desert elf. That was the one that stood out to me the most.
Wed, Sep 14th 2022 05:28

My character looks human :D
Wed, Sep 14th 2022 06:15

Tossing it over here for those who might miss it in chat - I'm going to be a desert elf, too.
Sun, Sep 18th 2022 01:29

Finally getting down and dirty on my Kobold Cleric of Vail. Still working on the details.