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Sorceresses Isu (a.k.a. The White Orchid)

A Sorceress of immense power. She had ruled the city of Vol Taruhr for generations until her attempted murder that resulted in an unlikely capture by her second in command Daikas Datan she was imprisoned in the Tower of Misery and her heart was used to fend off the mists that formed when she was imprisoned resulting in a type of stalemate between her and her former priests the Death's Head Priesthood Which was recently broken thanks to the intervention of The Star Order during the Invasion of Vol Tarhur   A plot to take over the island of Skeivard was thwarted by the Star Order resulting in Isu's destruction.  Through Bonding with Arrierra Van Xamme she has found new life as a servant of the Star Order.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Piercing green eyes and skin so white it appears to be made of marble

Special abilities

Able to control the mists and can summon demonic figures to do her bidding.

Specialized Equipment

Mist form  
Current Location
Vibrant Green
Sleek long white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven

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