"Before the Hersker" | Dryn'myr, Sverd, Marin, Kell, Orvan in Ashnuw | World Anvil
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"Before the Hersker" | Dryn'myr, Sverd, Marin, Kell, Orvan

Roleplayed by Sgt.Softface15 and CommandoChipmunk
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   It had been a week since his arrival. Dryn'myr had woken and warmed up. He sharpened his spear attachments for an hour or so, unable to eat.   He knew this was where he wanted to be. He had not heard anything that made him fear that Sverd was a dishonorable or cruel leader.   He had not seen anything to indicate that he would be rejected on first sight.   But still. He worried. This moment would define the rest of his existence.   Even after he went over the attachments a second time and placed them in his robe, he didn't open the door right away.   He closed his eyes, inwardly crying out to Elyon.   Then opened the door, strode out. Down the stairs. Past the now familiar tavern crowd. Into the street.   Towards the castle.
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   Orvan stood at the castle gate, still having the same leather armor and sword that he had when he first met Dryn'myr. He thought highly of him and appreciated his dedication and respect. He was flanked by two Voldsom guards that stood at attention.
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn'myr bowed in respect when he approached. The sight of Orvan helped assure him, but also reminded him of his purpose here.   "Sire Orvan, Captain of the Guard....whenever it is most convenient, I would like an opportunity to speak to the Hersker. I am--I am willing to wait whatever length of time until h-he is ready."   He rose slightly.
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   Orvan bowed slightly. "I'm glad you are ready Dryn'myr. I was actually on my way to get you just now. The Great Wolf Hersker is ready to see you."
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn'myr rose fully, his eyes flashing with excitement. "This--this is fortunate. I am ready."
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   He smiles slightly, "I'm glad," he starts to turn but pauses, "Oh and just so you know. The Great Wolf is a... unique person. Be prepared for anything that arises. You'll find he will be quite comfortable with you only after a short while."
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn'myr did not know what this meant exactly. He had not seen anything earlier to give him alarm in his studies or observations...He nodded in understanding.   "Indeed. I thank you."
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   He nodded back and moved forward into the castle. He opened the front gate that led to a short stair way. He led up the stair way into a large hall. There was a fire pit in the center and two large tables on both sides of it and a throne on a raised platform. On this wooden throne sat a man. He was dressed in leather armor that was kept in pristine condition. His hair was long and brown, but well kept. He had a short beard that was quite well groomed, and to top the entire look off, he had a long flowing blue cape with a white wolf symbol on the back. He stood up and approached Dryn'myr and Orvan.
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn-myr dropped to his knees in a bow, his heart racing.   But he could not help but smile to himself. The king looked like he had imagined him.
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   Orvan walked up beside Dryn'myr, and bowed low. The Great Wolf bowed back and Orvan stood straight up.   He looked down at Dryn'myr and asked, "Tell me, what is your name?"
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   "My lord, m-my name is Dryn'myr, of the House of Eorym, of Canubala Cwtch. And I am--I am honored that you requested my presence. I had hoped to see you soon." Dryn'myr kept his head bowed. He cursed his stammers.
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   He looked to the two guards who stood next to the throne and nodded. They took their leave of the room silently. "Tell me Dryn'myr, why have you come to Hovestad this past week?"
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn'myr lifted his gaze, his green eyes shining. "My lord--it--it is the custom of my people to swear to stand by and serve those who are noble and honorable in the land of Ashnuw--the--the kings of the nations. I would be honored if you would consider me as your--and Hoydvann's--first servant...a representative of the blessing of my people."   "And... I will be honored to serve in whatever capacity you choose, and to obey any requirements you might have in order that I gain your trust."
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   He looked behind Dryn'myr and saw the guards leave. "I would be honored to have one such as you in my service. Is there anything you would excel in?"
CommandoChipmunk01/23/2020   Dryn'myr's heart skipped a beat and his eyes lightened. "I thank you, my lord." He bowed his head quickly. "I-I am a spearman, and I have studied as a scribe as well. "   "Though with all respect, I am willing to learn."
Sgt.SoftFace1501/23/2020   He nods slowly, "Good. We could use a scribe like you. Dedicated and committed to learning. I've heard a lot about you, and I'd be glad to have you here living in the castle with us." He looks at Orvan who smiles back, "Only one last question.... Do you like beef stew? My wife's making that for dinner and I would hate for it to go to waste."
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 10:05 AM   Dryn'myr was still tense with excitement and hope. He nodded in thanks as Sverd went on--he could use a scribe like him--he thought he was dedicated and committed--he had heard of him already he would let him live in the castle with them--Dryn'myr breathed out, overwhelmed--he poised himself for the last question--   He blinked.   He realized he was staring and coughed a little quickly. "I--I--I...I do like beef stew immensely, I tasted my first of it three days ago." His eyes were huge.   "Though...I will be glad to eat whatever decks your table, my lord." Dryn'myr nodded again, still slightly flummoxed.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 10:14 AM   Sverd still stared with the kingly stare that he had when Dryn’myr first came in the room, but he glanced at Orvan and let out a really hearty laugh. Not just a chuckle but a real deep laugh. “Don’t feel so worried my boy. You can stand up now.” He looked down at him with a warm smile.
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 10:28 AM   A sheepish sense of something almost like relief flooded him. Dryn'myr stood up at once, smiling to himself in slight embarassment. "Yes, my lord." Regardless of what he felt, he knew he very much liked Sverd's laugh.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 10:41 AM   He smiled again. “I must say, from what I’ve heard from Orvan and seen here, I’m quite impressed. You’ve certainly shown your dedication and interest in my kingdom. I’ll show you around the place and if we can, and I’ll be glad to have you as a scribe once you get settled in.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 10:47 AM   Dryn'myr continued smiling, meeting the Hersker's gaze. "Indeed, I--I have greatly enjoyed my stay. Orvan guided me himself upon my arrival. Your warriors have heart, and your people are full of joy and memory. Your lore is rich. When I first heard of your land's spirit, I knew I would wish to serve here, but seeing Hovestad for myself has confirmed this tenfold.   "I will very much enjoy being a scribe in your court.   "My heart is rather closer to the pen than the sword."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 10:51 AM   He chuckles. “What words of honor! I’m glad our kingdom is a good one to the outside eye. I would gladly let you see the rest of the castle if you desire. I’m sure we have much to talk about.   “On the way, I would love to know more about your homeland! In the records, there wasn’t much talk of your people other than a couple of your ancestors pledging themselves as well. The name of their home and their customs were lost to time.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 11:01 AM   Dryn'myr followed, his gaze never leaving the king. "I would enjoy seeing the castle very much, and I would be glad to tell all you need to to know about my own homeland. It has been nearly 1000 years since the first Viridians began to pledge to the kingdoms of Ashnuw, so, indeed, it had been long."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 11:08 AM   He smiled and turned around. He led up a stairway that was to the right of the throne. It led up into a room that had a large table, covered in a map of Ashnuw, and a very large door that led out to a balcony on the back of the building.   “Indeed it has....” he stopped in the room a moment. This table is where we hold most of the official meetings. If you were to be a scribe, you would most likely sit or stand nearby and write down what happens during each meeting.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 11:10 AM   Dryn'myr nodded, admiring the room, the map, the view. "I can mostly certainly do that, my lord." He prided himself for having both neat and fast handwriting.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 11:13 AM   He smiled, “I can hear you speak very fluent common. Can you read and write common as well? We can’t very well have a scribe who can’t write what’s being said.” He chuckled again.
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 11:17 AM   Dryn'myr allowed himself a small chuckle as well. "Indeed. Common is not my native tongue, but we are all taught to read and write it. I also know some Aizdihar and Kokkan."   "Some of the more ancient languages of the Elves I can write, but speaking fluently is difficult."   "But I doubt those skills would be needed except for research purposes?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 11:22 AM   “Well, they could very well come in handy! We have representatives that visit and trade with Kokka. Some of their people come down from time to time. It would be very helpful to have a proper translation. As for the elvish, we have some elvish script in the castle archives. We could use that translated for us.” He smiled, “Plus, my wife’s elvish. I’m sure she could use someone to talk to from time to time!”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 11:30 AM   Dryn'myr's eyes brightened at this news. "Your wife is elvish? Very fine! I will do my best for her."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 11:43 AM   “Why yes! She is elvish. I’m sure she will be excited to see you. You’ll meet her and my son once dinner is served for the day...” He nodded and smiled to himself, “Shall we continue?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 12:06 PM   "Indeed, sir," Dryn'myr would look forward to dinner. He smiled.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 12:30 PM   Sverd smiled and led through the large double doors that led to the balcony. It surveyed the entire capital. You could see the entire western side of the capital and several miles of forest beyond. The small railing was tiny in comparison to the ginormous view of the land and the forest. It was quite a sight to see, “This is just the balcony, there isn’t much importance to this other than the view.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 12:38 PM   Dryn'myr walked to the rail in interest. He smiled, studying the view. Even though he had seen Hoydvann from various heights before, it gave him chills to think that now he was looking at it from the inside and that he might see this view often. The forest calmed him.   "The view is worth it," Dryn'myr said softly.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 12:41 PM   He chuckled, “I thought you might say that. It’s the best view that we have! A good kingdom this one is. It’s been a pleasure to rule it for all the time I’ve had.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 12:45 PM   "I have studied the records of your reign contained in the public library," Dryn'myr said. "You have reigned for 18 years, correct?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 12:48 PM   “Aye, 18 years.... The time really does flow by. It seems like just yesterday I was made Hersker. But it’s been a good reign, and I’m glad I’m in charge of such an honorable and happy kingdom.” He looked over at Dryn’myr, “I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay so far.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 1:09 PM   Dryn'myr nodded. "Indeed, I have, my lord. I read or your father's reign as well. He also seemed a noble man."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 1:14 PM   Sverd looks down, smiles, and nods slowly, “Aye, my father was a good man. I hope I make him proud some day.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 1:23 PM   Dryn'myr understood the feeling, though he was not a king. "I am sure you do." He hoped he did not sound like he was flattering. It was the truth.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 1:29 PM   He looked back up, “He was a lot more serious than me, but he was strong, dedicated, and honorable. I’m still far from perfect....” he looked at Dryn’myr, “But enough talk about those who have passed on into the stars. Shall we continue?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 2:21 PM   "Yes, my lord," Drynmyr said, turning and following.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 2:30 PM   He walked back in the castle though the double doors and said, “If there’s anything you wish to ask me or tell me, don’t feel afraid. I’m here to listen and answer.” He walked back down the stairs and into another door that led into a long a hallway, "Also, if there's anything you would like to see in particular, I'm fine with showing you anything here."
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 3:00 PM   Despite Sverd's kindness, Dryn'myr still felt a little awkward about asking to the see the Castle documents. He was uncertain of what he should ask or say instead. "Which areas of the castle should I not venture into?" He asked. "For the sake of your family's privacy?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 3:07 PM   He smiled back at him as he led him down the hall. "Well, as long as you don't come barging into someone's bedroom, you're just fine to venture about anywhere you want. The officials and personal guards of the castle sleep in here." He motioned to a door as he walked by. "While my family and I sleep up on the top floor. Just don't walk into their rooms and you'll be fine."
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 3:17 PM   Dryn'myr nodded in understanding and also slight amusement at the king's phrasing. "Certainly, my lord...no barging." He continued to look around, noting the sleeping quarters.   "Has the castle ever been attacked? And if so, what is standard procedure?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 3:29 PM   "Attacked?" He chuckled lightly, "This city hasn't been attacked since the Hersker war! And before that it was the Tyrannical Hersker's dethronement. If it were to be attacked, all the people would retreat to the castle, the men would take their positions on the walls and several of the balconies, and the gates would be completely sealed."
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 3:38 PM   "Yes, I remember reading about that," Dryn-myr said. "I am very glad Hoydvann has seen peace...and I hope it remains. I was curious as to if there was any type of protocol or route your men follow in emergencies. Drills, or anything of that nature."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 3:41 PM   "Well, for that, Orvan would handle that. But as far as I know, I'm fairly sure that drills are run every month where the men assume their positions that they would during an attack."   Orvan spoke up, "I've seen to it that the men know what to do during an attack. We will be prepared if it ever happens."
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 4:00 PM   "That is good to hear. I will be glad to fight among them should the need arise." Dryn'myr said.   He continued following.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 4:05 PM   Sverd walked around the castle hallways, he showed several rooms with different functions, the armory, the castle blacksmith, the kitchen, and even the training grounds again. He walked out to a small balcony that over looked a small open area and spoke, “Normally, this is used as an archery range, but as of right now, my son’s using it so he can practice fighting out doors. There he is now...” he leaned over the balcony and looked at the small open area. There was a young man down there, engaged in combat with another person. He was fairly young, probably around 17 or 18 and was currently fighting some other person with a smile on his face.
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 4:09 PM   Dryn'myr leaned forward, examining the youth and a thrill ran through him..he would surely live to see this young human boy grow to be a man like his father and rule someday. "He is your heir?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 4:18 PM   "Aye," He looked down full of pride at the young man. A detail that may not have been noticed existed on him; he had one human ear and one elven. He swung his sword with grace, and his footwork was great. He clearly was having fun just fighting an opponent. "He's the one to rule after me once I pass on from this world. He shows much promise and is very eager. Maybe a little too eager at times," He smiled at Dryn'myr, as he returned his gaze down at his son. He began to get more and more flamboyant in his moves, before it became clear that he was just enjoying the thrill of the fight, not fighting to win.   The young man disarmed his opponent by hitting his sword clean out of his hand and holding his sword to the man's face, with a smile still on his face. He lowered his sword and shook hands, and the fight was over.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 4:27 PM   He waved down to his son and he noticed. He looked up to his father, smiled and waved back.
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 4:29 PM   Dryn'myr almost ducked behind one of posts, but forced himself to hold still. He smiled at the boy, enjoying the look of his ears and his obvious energy. "He has both the human and the elven...that should make him wiser than most of either race," he said softly.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 4:32 PM   Sverd laughed again, "Smart? Well, he's quick witted but he's stubborn like his father..." He paused for a second and thought about it, "Then again, he's got some wisdom in him like his mother, so you might be right about that." The young man ran inside with his companion to get cleaned up after his fight.
CommandoChipmunkLast Friday at 4:38 PM   Dryn'myr could tell the young man was indeed a handful. He smiled to himself. XD
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Friday at 4:44 PM   “Alright, that’s about all I can think of for showing you around the castle. Other than one last place...” he smiled, “if you could follow me please.” He turned back inside and began leading Dryn’myr down the hallway.
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 8:33 PM   Dryn'myr followed quickly. "Yes, my lord." His eyes shown with curiosity. "What is it?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 8:48 PM   He led him around the corner of the hallway to a door. He smiled and looked at Dryn'myr, "Oh, it's just something that i thought you would appreciate..." He opens the door and it leads to a very large library. Its about twice the size of the other one and has even more books covering every shelf. It's well kept and maintained. He motioned for Dryn'myr to walk in after him.
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 9:49 PM   Dryn'myr let out an audible gasp. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped.   He strode in quickly, hands clasped tight behind his back. His eyes shone. He looked down, his face hot. He closed his eyes, smiling. "You already know me too well, my lord."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 9:51 PM   Sverd strolled into the room after him. "Well..." he glanced at Orvan, "Orvan has told me about your enthusiasm about reading and researching. I though you would be quite glad to see something like this..."
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 9:57 PM   Dryn'myr nodded, then bowed. "I--I am very glad indeed." X) "I doubt I have read a single one of these."   "Do you like to read, my lord?"   He was surprised at his own openess and hoped he was not crossing a line.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:03 PM   Sverd laughs. "Well, I enjoyed reading greatly as a child, but I haven't had much time in recent years..." he pat Dryn'myr on the back, "I suppose you'll have to do all the reading for me"
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:06 PM   Dryn'myr tensed a bit at the pat, but then relaxed. He smiled. Sverd really seemed to want to be his friend. "I can certainly do that." XD "I am sure your duties are many."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:07 PM   "By all means, like I said, anything you want to see or do, you're free to do so. And with how enthusiastic you are about reading, I don't think I'll have to worry about you slacking off," He chuckles
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:11 PM   Dryn'myr allowed himself a small chuckle. "Indeed, my lord!" He cleared his throat, raising a fist to his mouth. "Rather, I can become a little too engrossed sometime. But I will endeavor to be available whenever you might need me."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:14 PM   "That's just fine. I've shown you around the castle enough, so if you want to stay here and read, you are free to do so. Of course, if there's anything else you want to do, you're free to do that as well."
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:17 PM   "I thank you... you are very very generous," Dryn'myr said, genuine gratefulness showing in his eyes. "I will probably do my best to keep up with my spear training as well...and practice my Kokkan."   "Do you have much time for leisure, my lord?' Dryn'myr asked.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:20 PM   "Leisure? Well, I have had a bit more than usual recently! About a couple hours a day for leisure."   He smiled, "Of course, if its good enough, I'll make time for leisure."
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:24 PM   Dryn'myr looked a little amused by this last statement. X)   "I am glad to hear that. What do you like to do best?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:27 PM   "Well.... I do just about anything. I'm fond of sparring, archery, reading, writing, singing, dancing, and pretty much whatever you can think of. I do greatly enjoy spending time with family, as anyone does."
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:34 PM   "This is good," He said, "I am glad you have time to spend with family. That is important and rare, I am afraid."   He continued to survey the shelves, his gaze roving over the titles.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 10:38 PM   Sverd smiled and glanced at Orvan, before returning to him, "Anything else you need before returning to work?"
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 10:56 PM   "I am ready, my lord," Dryn'myr turned to face him, hands behind back.   He nodded. "Where would you like me to start?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 11:02 PM   "Where to start? Well, the last scribe wasn't the most.... efficient, so I certainly wouldn't mind you just writing down what you can find. Read as much as you can and organize what you find to gain a general idea of what's happened in the kingdom previous to now."   "Ideally we would love to have a full history of the kingdom but that's quite a far off goal. Just catalogue what you can..." he smiled, "And have fun."
CommandoChipmunkLast Sunday at 11:11 PM   Dryn'myr bowed, eyes flashing in genuine pleasure. "Consider it done...as far as creating a full history, I will see what I can do. That would be a worthwhile project." He smiled to himself in thought.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Sunday at 11:44 PM   “If there’s nothing else, i shall leave you to it. Dinner is at sundown. If you aren’t there, I’ll have a guard come over and tear you away from your books.” He smiled.
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 8:41 AM   "Yes, my lord, thank you. I will be there," Dryn'myr said with a smile, hoping that he would remember. He was sometimes bad at noticing when it got dark.   He bowed again in acknowledgement of the parting.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 8:56 AM   Sverd nodded and walked out of the room. Orvan followed and closed the door behind him, leaving Dryn’myr in silence.
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 9:02 AM   Dryn'myr instantly turned to the bookcase, eyes shining in interest. But before pulling down the book, he paused, savoring the moment, trying to understand what had happened. He closed his eyes, inwardly thanking Elyon. He had to do his best to thank his Hersker. Somehow he'd repay him for his kindness.   He was going to be happy here.
  Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 9:29 AM   An hour or two later, Sverd was walking around the castle halls, on his way to the library. He considered sending a guard, but ultimately decided against it and decided it would be best to go get Dryn’myr himself.
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 9:42 AM   Dryn'myr had already began organizing and cataloging some of the records he had found. He read them eagerly. The town library had provided good extensive knowledge but there were much more details here.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 10:14 AM   Sverd leaned in and saw him pouring over various texts. He smiled. Orvan was right, he was quite eager to read through everything he could get his hands on. He knocked on the door post, “You still there Dryn’myr or are you lost in a world of reading?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 10:17 AM   Dryn'myr startled, jumped to his feet and bowed. He glanced at the window, noting the lighting. "Yes, my lord! Your collection is most engrossing. Forgive me for not realizing the time."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 10:23 AM   Sverd laughed again, “Don’t worry my boy. Reading is a good thing. Dinner is ready, so when you get the chance, we’d be glad to have you.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 10:26 AM   Dryn'myr's eyes flickered and he began to clear his space quickly. "Certainly, I am ready now." He smiled, stepping away from the desk and waiting for Sverd to step out of the room first.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 10:45 AM   He nodded, turned around, and walked out the door. As he was walking he spoke, “Just so you know Dryn’myr, don’t feel like you have to remain quiet during this. It’s very in formal, so no one is going to get after you if you speak without being spoken to.”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 10:46 AM   Dryn'myr was surprised by this, but he was starting to get used to being surprised. He wanted to make sure he followed whatever the rules of etiquette were for his kingdom. "I see, my lord--thank you for telling me. I am looking forward to meeting your queen and son." He smiled.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 10:51 AM   He walked to the door that led to the main hall. He started to turn the handle but paused briefly. “Just so you know, you can act this way in private, but you should very rarely talk to me out of term in public. As a Hersker, it’s my duty to remain as honorable and as strong as I can to the people. Do you understand?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 11:22 AM   "Yes, my lord, most certainly," Dryn'myr bowed quickly. "I understand perfectly. Thank you."   He knew how to do that.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 11:37 AM   He smiled and nodded before heading through the door. On the other side were 3 people gathered around one of the tables in the main room. One was an Elven maiden. She sat on a chair on the right side of the table. She had in her hands a book which she was reading with a small smile on her face. She was very fair to look upon. Orvan was sitting down on the left side of the table, smiling at the last person, Sverd’s son. He still had a happy and energetic look on his face as he was swinging around a wood sword and recanting his earlier fight to his mother and Orvan, “... and then with a simple twist of the wrist, his sword went flying into the air! I’m quite proud of myself after that one!” Sverd chuckled at this spectacle.   He walked over to his son and gave him a pat on the back before leading him back over to Dryn’myr, “Kell, this is our new scribe Dryn’myr, he will be dining with us this evening. Dryn’myr, this is my son, Kell.” Kell smiled offered his hand, “Pleasure to meet ya!”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 11:51 AM   Dryn'myr took everything, trying not to blush. His face felt warm. He took Kell's hand and bowed as well. "The pleasure is mine, lord Kell. I witnessed your practice today. You seemed to be enjoying yourself." He smiled.
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 11:57 AM   Kell smiled, “Oh yeah I saw you while I was out there! I always enjoy a good fight! That one was a bit to easy, but I’m sure my friend was just holdin back!” He laughed, “not thinking about sparring against me are you?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 11:58 AM   "I would be glad to if you wish it," Dryn'myr's eyes sparkled a little. "I am behind on my practice."   He realized his wings and fire would make him an easy victor and hopes Sverd and his wife would not mind the thought of their son sparring with a dragon.   "What is your favorite discipline in sparring?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 12:28 PM   “Hm...” he paused a minute, “Oh! I prefer the shortsword more than anything! I’ve used a spear once or twice, but I’ve really practiced with a sword and a shield the most. What about you?”
CommandoChipmunkLast Monday at 7:58 PM   "I was trained in polearms," Dryn'myr said. "But sword is going to be the most versatile."
Sgt.SoftFace15Last Monday at 8:05 PM   "Aye! I've been told I was born to wield a sword so I'm just comfortable using it in combat."
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 4:57 PM   Dryn'myr nodded. "I am glad to hear it. It is crucial that one's weapon is more of an extension of their own being than a tool."   "What else do you enjoy, sire prince?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 5:09 PM   He chuckled, “Well, besides song and dance, I make a couple expeditions outside of the kingdom occasionally! I’ve traveled to places like Kokka and Glandoria so far, but I have a lot more to see!”
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 5:17 PM   "I have not been to those places, but I have studied much about then," Dryn'myr said, his eyes brightening.   "Unfortunately, Kokka did not accept us on their soil. But I have heard their artistry is exceptional and they are not a troublesome people. And Glandoria has much, much history...have you heard the tales of Aelyssar?"
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 5:32 PM   “Actually no! Care to enlighten me on this?” Kell laid his sword on the end of the table, pulled out a chair and sat on it to listen well.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 5:36 PM   Dryn'myr went on to retell the tales of the Ancient kingdom Aylsear, comprised of Glandoria and Heuntsia and Ina Tathen and most of the kingdoms along the coast. He told of their righteous king and the many Viridian guards who served him and how many of them fell in the Pale War and even more fell in their fight against Darasuum when Alyssear split.   He tried to keep it short. He wasn't a storyteller by trade and he caught himself stuttering more than he wished, but his love for the story itself shone through.
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 5:45 PM   Kell sat there and listened to it all. He would ask a question or two but never would fully stop the conversation. He was completely invested in what was being said and didn’t get distracted or disinterested. He clearly enjoyed just listening.   During the tale, Sverd walked over to his wife and talked with her for a bit before returning to Kell and Dryn’myr by sitting in a chair on the other side of the table.   His wife walked off and grabbed a bowl of steaming stew. She brought it back into the dining area and placed it down on the table just about the time that Dryn’myr finished his story.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 5:53 PM   Dryn'myr looked up, realizing how long he had been talking. The stew smelled wonderful. Such an interesting smell. He nodded to Kell. "That is how I tell it anyhow..." He blushed a little. "You are a good listener, forgive me for talking so long."
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 5:58 PM   Kell stood up and smiled, “Eh don’t worry about me! I like listening! Especially about places outside the kingdom! Big world out there! All we have to do is explore it!”   “Yeah my son wants to be an explorer instead of a king!” Sverd jeered from across the table, sitting down at the head of the table.   “And a good one he would be!” His mother spoke up as she sat down to the right side of the table, “With the enthusiasm of all of Hoydvann, I’m sure he would do wonderfully.” Orvan smiled and took his seat as well.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 7:50 PM   Dryn'myr took his seat solemnly. "Perhaps...you can be a king who explores..." He smiled. "Though the kingdom always comes first."
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 7:56 PM   Kell sat next to Orvan on the left side of the table, across from Dryn'myr who sat next to his mother, Marin. "Oh but of course," Kell spoke, "I would never just abandon my people, but i would be a.... diplomat of sorts, meeting kingdom leaders and negotiating trade between us and them!"   Sverd chuckled, "You are free to do that if you wish son. Every Hersker chooses the way they want to rule their kingdom. You can do that if you desire."   Kell made a motion like 'yes!' and sat still.
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 8:09 PM   Sverd chuckles again "Alright alright, let's say grace really quick..." Sverd, his wife Marin, Orvan, and Kell all bowed their heads and closed their eyes. They remained there for a while before raising their heads one by one. Sverd was the last one to raise his head, before speaking up again, "Alright, we may begin..."   He stood up and reached for the bowl of stew with the spoon still in it, but paused, "Oh I apologize Dryn'myr if our customs are a bit different than yours. It's a family tradition at this point for us."
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 8:21 PM   Dryn'myr had bowed his head and whispered his own words in his own language to himself. "No, no, it is good to remember our life comes not from us--we have the same tradition."
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 8:26 PM   Sverd smiled and nodded, "Then let us begin!" He served the food by taking bowls from everyone and pouring the stew into everyone's bowls.   Sverd passed around the bowls of stew and sat down. The entire table would be full of bustle and talk. Sverd would do the majority of the talking, followed up by Kell who would respond to most of what Sverd would talk about. Orvan would sit and talk as well, but not as nearly as much as Kell or Sverd. Marin would also talk when she could, but not much. She would mainly listen and answer when she could, but she would always be invested and always be smiling. Dryn'myr would be asked questions every once and a while to talk about his home, and would be completely free to talk when he wanted to. There wouldn't be any apprehension or nervousness around him. He would be talked to like he was any other person.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 9:03 PM   Dryn'myr was very honored by their attentions and would always answer as truthfully as he could, sometimes going a little longer than he meant to when he got going. He was still shy, but a little more comfortable. He was always careful to ask non-probing question in return and listened to every word Sverd spoke.   He had never felt anything quite like being with them. Though his fear still lingered, he slowly felt a sense of comradery and calm...almost as if they were equals.   He knew that was impossible though. But for a moment, it was wonderful to realize though they were not equals, they were still willing to be friends and behave as if they were. It was refreshing.   He was smiling softly by the end of the meal.
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 9:27 PM   "Well, now that we have finished, I should offer a toast to our new and dear friend, Dryn'myr." Orvan and Kell stood up and said, "To Dryn'myr!" The three of them took a swig from their drinks and sat back down. Marin smiled at this spectacle, and spoke up, "We are very glad to have you with us Dryn'myr."
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 9:37 PM   Dryn'myr bowed his head, unable to meet their gazes. His face was hot, but he could not stop smiling. He bowed to them, uncertain of how to repay the favor. "I--I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship."   "I am very glad to be here." To this surprise, he found his voice was constricting.   "You--you cannot know how much I mean that. Thank you."
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 9:43 PM   Marin smiled warmly. Sverd spoke, "We are very glad to have you. Please, feel free to join us or talk to us any time you want to, even if it's just for casual conversation."   Marin spoke again, her voice soft as usual, "I'm sure you'll fit in here fine Dryn'myr. Don't feel shy at all."
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 9:50 PM   Dryn'myr glanced down, crossing his hands behind his back. "I will learn not to be, my lady." He thought Marin was quite spectacular.
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 9:59 PM   She smiled again warmly at him. Orvan, Kell, and Sverd stood up and helped clear the table of the table wear and Marin stood up and walked to the kitchen to grab a rag to wipe down the table. It appeared that this was mostly a routine for them and that they didn't really get any servants to clear it off for them. While they finished, Sverd walked over and talked to Dryn'myr, "Glad to have you with us today! Feel free to stop by again some time." He offered his hand to Dryn'myr.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 10:02 PM   Dryn'myr quickly pitched in to help clear the table as well, doing what he could.   When Sverd offered him his hand, he took it, for once not bowing. His eyes shone with gratitude. "Certainly, my liege. May you have fair night, or as they say in my own tongue"--He murmured a phrase in Viridian. "May fires light through your rest."
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 10:12 PM   Sverd smiled. "That's quite the saying! Reminds me back in my youth of sleeping around a camp fire with friends." He nodded, "Good saying that is!" He spoke something in a language not heard from anyone else so far, "That is to say, may the stars shine down on you as you slumber. Just a saying we use before we sleep." He chuckled   "It was a pleasure Dryn'myr. I hope you sleep well..." He spoke with a slight bow.
CommandoChipmunkYesterday at 10:19 PM   Dryn'myr bowed back as well, smiling at the phrase. He enjoyed other languages. "And you as well, my lord." Uncertain if he was officially dismissed, he carefully turned to the door and made his way out slowly to find his new chambers.
Sgt.SoftFace15Yesterday at 10:24 PM   Sverd let him go back to his room as he returned to his family. He continued conversation with them as he wandered down the hall.
  [Three Years Later]
CommandoChipmunkToday at 3:28 PM   Dryn'myr stands at the balcony of the castle, his brow furrowed. He watches an eagle soaring in the distance away from him. She had just left that very balcony and she had brought news.   For the first time in a long time, his eyes darkened in distracted thought. He glanced down on the Voldsom and Hovestad below.
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 3:35 PM   Sverd walked out of the door leading to the balcony. He had been looking for Dryn’myr for a while and decided to check out on the balcony. He noticed that Dryn’myr was silent, so he didn’t say anything, he just walked up beside him and leaned on the railing next to him, gazing upon the city in silence.
CommandoChipmunkToday at 3:40 PM   Dryn'myr felt Sverd's presence, but was too preoccupied to turn around until he was next to him. He pinched his jaw tight together.   He sighed.   Then smiled at Sverd.
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 3:43 PM   Sverd heard his sigh and turned back, a smile on his face, “What are you doing out here all by yourself? I thought you were a bit old for hide and seek?” A chuckle, “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
CommandoChipmunkToday at 3:47 PM   Dryn'myr turned at once. "I am terribly sorry, Sverd, I did not realize--I-I, em--" He gestured to the eagle. "That eagle, she..."   He stopped, then sighed again, obviously acting out of sorts.   "A--A Weyr has been called....I am afraid." He looked disappointed.   He was making so much progress on his library. There were so many events he had been looking forward to in the next month here, with his family--his king--Sverd, Marin, Kell, Orvan, Bill-ee, all of them.   His history compilation was nearly complete. This was terrible timing.   Besides...   He supressed another sigh.   "But never mind that--what do you have in mind?" He smiled.
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 3:54 PM   He smiled kindly, “I just came out to check on you,” he looked out and paused. He could definitely tell that Dryn’myr was concerned but he wanted to know more about it, “.... a Weyr has been called... what does that mean?” He looked at Dryn’myr with a slightly concerned look.
CommandoChipmunkToday at 4:01 PM   Dryn'myr cleared his throat. "Well--" Twice. "Well, it is a meeting. Of all the Viridians in Ashnuw. Everyone is required to attend."   He blinked. "The purpose? They say that Pale has been sighted...or rather is stirring. I've been ordered to ask for your leave, make sure my regular duties are fulfilled by another in my absence, and to return to the Weyr before the next week is out."   A genuinely annoyed look crossed his face.
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 4:19 PM   “Pale? That’s troublesome news indeed. We can only hope that he’s not actually returning...” he turned and smirked at him, but it was more of a nervous smirk, “Well, I suppose you are free to go, but you will return won’t you?”
CommandoChipmunkToday at 4:23 PM   Dryn'myr nodded. "I hope so as well." And he smiled a little broader. "And I certainly will return. Not even they can command me to stay away for good."   He frowned again. "Hoydvann is far from the Weyr and the messenger arrived late...in order to arrive in time I will have to leave tonight.   "I am so sorry, my lord. This is terribly abrupt.   "I had best alert the other scribes at once."
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 4:30 PM   He smiled, but there was clearly a hint of something else, either sadness or concern, but still he smiled. “Don’t worry my boy. I’ll see to it that they know. You can leave tonight, just be sure to say goodbye to us before you do. This is going to be the first time you leave the kingdom without Kell since you first came here.”   “Is there anyway you could write to us while you’re away? I’m sure Marin would get quite lonely without you here, and we would all certainly appreciate it.”
CommandoChipmunkToday at 4:54 PM   Dryn'myr's face softened at the concern. "I will miss you all dearly."   "It...it will be the first time I am away without Kell." <:( He would miss the boy's rambunctious spirit. Even if he did sometimes terrify him with his antics now and then, Dryn'myr would have much rather preferred Kell's company to any of his own race's.   "I will certainly write. The eagles know the way and they will be glad to bring word. I will write every day." Dryn'myr's throat constricted and his vision blurred.   He suddenly leaned forward, taking Sverd's hand in one hand and taking Sverd's shoulder with his other. He leaned his forehead against Sverd's shoulder in a strong hug.   "I do not want to return."
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 5:07 PM   Sverd nodded as he listened to him speak. He was sad to have him leave so suddenly, but he supposed that the Viridians had a justifiable cause to cause to call him. He was glad that he would write. He couldn’t imagine— he stood back shocked at Dryn’myr hugging him. He paused for a moment, but soon returned the gesture, embracing him. “Don’t worry, we don’t want you to leave either, but you’ll be back. Once we meet again, just imagine the joy you’ll feel! We will miss you to Dryn’myr, and we will be sure to write as well.” He smiled as he held him close.
CommandoChipmunkToday at 5:09 PM   Dryn'myr nodded, swallowing. He pulled back, thrust his hand across his chest in the "hilve" fashion and bowed.   "If you have time to write I would very much appreciate that," He smiled, regaining composure.   He sighed. "I will collect my things..."   But then he stopped. "But first--what did you want to ask me--I still have several hours at least, I am sure." He smiled.
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 5:16 PM   He smiled and looked out to the city. He paused and took a deep breath, before turning to him to answer his question, “Well, I’ve been very curious about something....” he gazed out again, “How has your time here been? Have you been happy here, away from your home?”   “I mean.... I’m sure it’s different than your home, but I hope that we’ve made you feel welcomed and loved.”
CommandoChipmunkToday at 5:25 PM   Dryn'myr closed his eyes, turning to the city as well. He paused.   "I am very happy. These past three years have been the best of my life."   "This is my home, my lord."
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 5:31 PM   He smiled widely. It made him happy to hear this from Dryn’myr. “That’s amazing to hear! I had hoped that you felt that way. I suppose I should have guessed based on your reaction to leaving,” he chuckled again, “oh and I have made an executive decision. You don’t have to call me any honorific titles any more. ‘My lord’ is a bit too professional to me. We’re equals Dryn’myr. You don’t have to act like we aren’t.”   He reached over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I feel that we’ve known each other long enough to push past such formalities.”
CommandoChipmunkToday at 5:36 PM   Dryn'myr could not refrain a laugh. "Ah--yes--I apologize, the word slip out before I can stop them. It was how I was raised to speak. But I will drop it if it pleases you." XD "Though, we are not equals. Yes, we are friends, and you are like a father to me. But that does not change that you are the great Hersker of Hoydvann. And that makes your friendship even more meaningful to me. In truth, I do not know any of the Viridian knights who can say that about their king."   "Friendship is only expected among equals...but you gave yours anyway."
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 5:40 PM   He smiled deeply. Dryn’myr’s words touched him very deeply. “Friendship is a wonderful thing. It’s something that binds us together, friends, married couples, siblings, fathers and sons. It’s something that we should be free to share.... I’m glad I got to share it with you.” He looked over and smiled at him.
CommandoChipmunkToday at 5:45 PM   Dryn'myr smiled. "I will be back soon, Sverd...and I will be sure to say goodbye to Marin and Kell and Orvan."   He began to turn. "Thank you again. May the stars shine down upon you all."
Sgt.SoftFace15Today at 5:47 PM   He smiled as he nodded to him. “May the stars shine down on you too son....” he leaned against the railing again and let him leave.

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