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Podskel Amulet

A so-called 'podskel' amulet is a pendant made from the discarded exoskeleton of a juvenile giant terrestrial isopod known as an ash louse, hence the slang term podskel (isopod skeleton). Ash lice shed their exoskeletons three times during the course of their natural development: once after infancy, once at the conclusion of adolescence, and once during their final growth after which they retain their exoskeleton through maturity and adulthood. During the first infant stage of development, the isopod ranges in size from a pea to a silver-dollar. These exoskeletons, once shed, are extremely durable, but so small they are often buried beneath the ash blanket by the ever-precipitating soot of Ashrain. As such, small podskels are extremely rare to find, and happening upon one is considerd remarkably lucky. Large ash louse exoskeletons are frequent occurances, often dotting the otherwise blank, black landscape of Ashrain where large groups of ash lice congregated during a molting season. However, the smaller skeletons are much more difficult to find. The smaller the skeleton, the more unlikely it is to be stumbled across. As such, the smaller the skeleton, the more valuable it is. Believers wear the tiny exoskeletons around their necks as pendants, on their wrists as bracelets, or simply carry them in their pockets, believing that they bring good luck and protection from harm.


The discarded exoskeletons of infant ash lice, also known as podskels, are seen by many to be extremely lucky. Happening upon one is considered a once in a lifetime occurance and is a cause for celebration as it indicates good things in one's future. Collecting and holding an infant podskel is considered to be extremely lucky, with good fortune following whoever may bear one. Infant ash lice are infinitesimal creatures, surviving in a world of ash, fire, and devastation. To live in such an environment at such a small size is a remarkable feat of biology and hardiness, and as such the 'luck' of the ash louse is considered to be transferred to the bearer of the podskel. For this reason, many survivors actively seek out these tiny artifacts in much the same way as humans of the Earth Era sought four-leaved clovers or pennies on the street. In a harsh, unforgiving world of darkness and danger, a little bit of luck is as valuable as a drop of water.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Small podskels are extremely rare to find. Large ash louse exoskeletons are frequent occurances, often dotting the otherwise blank, black landscape of Ashrain where large groups of ash lice congregated during a molting season. However, the smaller skeletons are much more difficult to find. The smaller the skeleton, the more unlikely it is to be stumbled across. As such, the smaller the skeleton, the more valuable it is.
4 to 16 ounces
0.25 to 1 inch in length
Base Price
Valuable to the right buyer


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